❝ mansae! ❞ // samantha im ♬ ♫ ♪

Im Samantha

Character Name— Im Samantha

Other Names

— Im Sakyung (it's her Korean name, but only her parents and family use it)


— Sam/Sammy (it's basically a shortened version of her name)
— Da Man (play on words with "you're the man" and the first two syllables of her name. it was made up by one of her classmates after she helped them in English, so now everyone calls her Da Man when she does them a favor)
— Natural Beauty (many people use this nickname to refer to her because in Korea, plastic surgery is very common among even the teenagers, and it was quite a shock when they heard that she hasn't gotten her face retouched at all. she's "refreshing," as other people call it, and the way her features meld in with each other gave her the nickname of being the "beauty.")
— Samsung (her nickname is Sam, and people thought it was funny that Samsung had the word "Sam" in it; there's really no reason for this nickname, it's just what some of her friends and classmates endearingly call her)

Birthday— September 22, 1998

Age— 16

Birthplace & Hometown— Boston, Massachussetts

Ethnicity— Korean-American

Blood Type— O

Height— 163 cm

Weight— 54 kg


— Korean ( semi-fluent )
— English ( native )

Face ClaimNahyun (Sonamoo)

Backup Face ClaimHalla (The Ark)

Style— Sam prefers comfort over how she looks, and it's very obvious with the way she dresses. She has a very innocent sense of style and honestly looks like her mom dressed her in the morning sometimes, but most of the outfits she wears are all basic and usually simple colors. She likes to wear black and white clothes, but she does have other colors in her closet that she wears religiously. Most times, she likes to put a jacket over her shirt and wear jeans with it, but sometimes, she wears skirts, though most times she doesn't because she doesn't really want to shave. Sometimes, she will pull her hair up, but when she keeps it down, she likes to keep it straight or curl it. She's not much of an accessory person, but you can see her wearing a bracelet from time to time. Her nails are almost always painted a pastel pink, which is her favorite color, and she basically screams out pink. Her phone case is pink, most of her colored clothes are pink, and once she even dyed the tips of her hair pink. She isn't much of a shoe person, so the shoes you will usually see on her are: black moccasins, white Converse, or brown sandals. Honestly, Sam would wear pink shoes if she could, but it would never match her outfits.



Personality— (+) outgoing, friendly, energetic, (-) irresponsible, naive, insecure
Sam is a rather outgoing and friendly girl and some people say it's because of her American side, although she doesn't quite get what that means, but laughs it off anyways. She's very approachable and is a very happy person that always has a smile on her face. Some people may think it's weird for someone to be so outgoing and friendly, but that's just how she is. Sam is also very energetic and hyper a lot of the times, which is one of her most endearing traits. She's like a hamster that ate too much sugar and can always be seen excitedly talking to the Dancer about something that she thought was funny. However, she is extremely irresponsible, and tends to forget things quite easily, often putting things for the last minute and often needing extensions because she's always missing the deadlines to things. It's somewhat burdensome for her to push everything to the last minute, but it's her procrastinator side that always makes her do this, so in the end, she doesn't really mind cause she's too busy worrying about how she's going to write a decent essay in an hour to care about her procrastination habits. 
Some people pin this on her childish personality, but Sam can be very naive at times. She has honestly no experience with the real world since she wasn't all too aware of her surroundings and is an innocent baby when it comes to adult things. Thus being said, don't expect her to give you good advice; she might be outgoing and friendly, but when you ask her for advice, she starts to freeze up and tell you horrible suggestions, so she's not exactly the best option for telling you what to do when your love life is starting to get out of hand, cause this girl has no relationship experience at all. She also tends to believe everything that people say, and that's probably the reason why she thought that storks delivered babies, up until she was in the third grade, when her classmate spilled the secret. 
Sam is from America and has lived there for most of her life, until she just recently transferred to Mansae High School. In her home country, she didn't speak much Korean and so, when she moved to Korea, she was very sensitive of her lack of fluency in the language. This was probably the start of her insecurity, as she realized how different she was from her peers, and although she's outgoing and energetic, she was very shy at first and didn't want to speak much in case she would be made fun of. In the end, she began to break out of her shell, but there is still a lot of insecurity that lingers in her still. She is better at Korean now because of hanging out with the Dancer so much, but she's still self-conscious about being made fun of for saying something wrong. 


— cute pencils
— bread or pasta is her favorite type of food
— swimming or going to the beach; any place where there's water
— walking everywhere (mostly because she doesn't have a car and doesn't exercise much)
— making friends
— watching youtube videos about dancing animals 
— English songs because it reminds her of home 
— reading manhwas/mangas, she's a weeb and she might admit it
— loves petting animals, and tbh, always wants to steal them and keep them, but she keeps herself in check
— skinship, that American side of her just craves it



— when the clip of her pencil breaks off (she gets really sad when it happens *cue Sadmantha*)
— homework, she gets a ton more homework in Korea than she did in America
— hot weather; being born in a cold city has gotten her used to the snow and negative degrees, but she doesn't do well with 100+ degrees
— spicy foods
— her brother... sometimes 
— waking up early; she is not a morning person, and probably will never be one
— when the hot water runs out while she's taking a shower because that's happened to her a lot more times than "few"
— dropping bread or pasta on the floor; she will probably have to hold back her tears because of her massive love for these foods
— the rain, she finds nothing special about it, other than it should be avoided at all costs
— burning her fingers on the curling iron or straightening iron cause that hurts



— tries out new makeup tutorials whenever she's free
— stargazing out at the Han river, if she has a chance
— studying a Korean-English dictionary (which makes others laugh when they see her doing that, but hey, a girl's gotta learn Korean, am I right?)
— writing in her diary at the end of the day
— she likes to paint with her watercolors (but isn't that great at it)



— sometimes, when she's not paying attention, she switches from Korean to English, effectively confusing her classmates
— chews on her lip when she's nervous
— she always has to eat half her fries before eating her burger
— online shopping while procrastinating on homework
— wearing mismatched socks; she just unconsciously puts on a sock with a pig on it, while pairing it with a polka dotted sock


— she has a dog named Buddy, which she named after the dog in Air Bud
— she has a strange love for dyeing her hair
— she takes selfies like 24/7 and practically lives with her selfie stick
— her favorite colors are lavender and mint
— Sam is an iPhone dweeb, she prefers it over Samsung anyday 
— she can play the piano and has been learning it for about 11 years (but she's not as good as she could be because she never practices) 
— she had braces for 4 years because she rarely wore her rubber bands 
— she is not very athletic at all and can barely dance, but she tries
— she listens to J. Cole like 24/7, honestly
— she binges on kdramas like every weekend
— fast food is her dirty pleasure, and she needs a real, good ol' American burger to satisfy her tastes (but sadly has to deal with Korean burgers, which aren't as good as the ones at home)
— whenever she's simping or feeling emotional, she listens to this or this
— she loves pears and can eat them until she dies 
— Sam is obsessed with social media and uses @salmonsamim as her username most of the time


Background— Sam was born in 1998 in Boston, and was the youngest child and only daughter. She had an older brother, named Chris, and most of her childhood memories were fights with him, but they sometimes had their moments. As they grew up, though, they became increasingly nicer to each other, as the other matured, but still fought every so often, and Sam is now a wrestling queen because of the countless times she had to fight him.
The summer before Sam had to transfer to Mansae, though, her grandather in Korea had passed away, leaving her grandmother alone, since most of her relatives had migrated to Boston with them. Her father, being the oldest son, decided to move to Korea to keep her grandmother company and to keep an eye on her just in case, and Sam did not like the idea at all, but didn't try to rebel against her parents. Eventually, she moved to Korea around the end of summer, and said goodbye to all her friends and ate the famous Boston lobsters for probably the last time for a while, and got onto the plane to Korea. She moved into this pretty nice house, and her grandmother sold her house to live with them, and it was rather awkward because for one thing, Sam did not speak Korean very well. Yes, she understood parts of it, but she spoke more English than Korean at home, and didn't have an interest in k-pop or kdramas. Her Korean was horrible, and she was put on Korean probation by her grandmother, who was basically the female version of the mean and stupidly strict teacher she had in the fourth grade. From then on, she could only speak Korean, and if she spoke a word of English, she would've had to eat dog food for dinner. This was effective, as her Korean started to improve by tiny increments, but she still wasn't fluent by the time she started high school.
She was enrolled into Mansae High School, along with her brother, and had no friends because hey, being the new girl was very awkward, and it didn't help that everyone gave her weird looks because she was from America. Sam was talkative in America and having no one here to talk to made her feel the itch to just grab a random person and to just scream out everything she's wanted to say, but held it in until she went to class and sat next to a pretty girl that seemed nice. She greeted her, finally relieved that she had a chance to talk to someone, and to the dancer, it was clear that Sam wasn't exactly that fluent in Korean because of how broken it was, so she was gentle with her and spoke slowly and with easy words, so that Sam could understand her. Sam had realized that the dancer was slightly anti-social, so she didn't really bother her all too much, but continued talking to her until they got closer and closer, and Sam started to see that underneath her shy shell, she was actually very cute and adorable (well, to Sam at least), and the two had become best friends. After a brief while, she became increasingly popular because of her looks and her outgoing personality, and she found out about the Sixteen because of the word that was going around and tried to convince the Dancer to join with her. She didn't like the idea at first, but after much much much pleading, the Dancer reluctantly joined. 


— Father | Im Joonhyuk (Johnathan Im) | 47 | Entrepreneur (was an owner of a coffee shop in Boston, but relocated it to Korea) | Responsible, righteous, prideful, stubborn | As the father of two rambunctious kids, he has learned to control them well, while managing his cafe at the same time. He has a strong sense of family love, considering that he was willing to move from America to Korea in a flash.
— Mother | Im Sana | 45 | Stockbroker | Easygoing, quiet, intelligent, finicky | The Im Family mother is very easygoing, so she didn't really react when her husband asked her to move back to Korea. She is quite smart, but tends to be picky with everything, ranging from food to furniture.
— Older Brother | Chris Im/Im Hokyung | 18 | Student | Diligent, brash, reckless, and honest | Just like any other siblings, Chris and Samantha always fight and it's been like that since they were born. 
— Grandmother | Im Woohee | 72 | Retired | Fragile, senile, snappy, caring | Although her memory is deteriorating and she's prone to tripping over something, she tries to cater to her family well, after they moved from America back to Korea for her. She can be irritable at times, but means well. 


—Best Friend | The Dancer | - | Student | - | Samantha moved to Korea and wasn't very good at the language since she preferred to speak English at home, so a lot of people didn't talk to her because of the language barrier (and also because they didn't know if she could speak Korean). Sam pushed past that barrier though, when she first talked to the Dancer, mostly because she was her seat partner. Although the Dancer was anti-social and didn't say much to Sam at first, Sam kept on conversating with her as the days passed by, and although the process was slow, they became best friends and are basically the campus couple stuck together by the hip. Although they haven't known each other for years, but they're practically the chummiest pair of friends in Mansae High. Sam was thought the idea of Sixteen was cool and was so stoked to join because she has a lot of school spirit, and tried convincing the Dancer to join, but because of her quiet personality, she didn't exactly get on board with the idea, but after countless hours of begging and bribing, Sam finally got the Dancer to join, and honestly, if she had to go even further than begging and bribing, she probably would've written a speech and a song and probably would have posted it on the school website, or something. Although the Dancer doesn't know why Sam wanted her to join Sixteen so much, it was just Sam's way of breaking her shell and letting her meet new people because Sam didn't want the Dancer to feel outcasted or that Sam left her for Sixteen, so why not just have the two join Sixteen together, right? Sam's logic can be flawed sometimes. 

Love Interest— Lee Seokmin (Soonyoung)

Age— February 18, 1997

Relationship Status— Strangers

Personality— (+) optimistic, friendly (-) dense, thoughtless
Seokmin is your happy-go-lucky, optimistic classmate that always has a smile on his face. He practically exudes happiness and positivity, and that's probably why everyone goes to him when they're feeling down. He isn't particularly good at advice, but that grin on his face just makes people smile automatically, and his positive logic brightens everyone's days. Seokmin rarely complains, and always has a different mantra for a different occasion. He's very friendly and become's everyone's friend rather quickly. He doesn't find approaching a stranger weird and he would probably get kidnapped one day because of his lack of security, but who would want to kidnap someone like him? If you make him cry, you will officially be named the devil and will be executed to Hell, so that's probably a reason why they wouldn't want to. 
Seokmin can be rather dense, though, and doesn't exactly have the best girl-o-meter. Despite being very friendly and appealing to girls, they see him more as a friend than boyfriend material, so he is used to them just thinking of him as a friend, but when a girl is crushing on him, he will have no clue about it, even if they're being super obvious. Honestly, he's dense no matter what because even if one of his friends spill it to him, he won't believe them, and it's an awkward scene when he gets confessed to and he doesn't have feelings for the other girl. He can also be thoughtless at times as well. Some of the things he does are ridiculously stupid, and you can only wonder how someone can be such a thoughtless dweeb, but you probably still adore him anyways because of that bright smile he always has. 

First Meeting— Sam and Seokmin are strangers at the moment, but when they first meet, it'll be when Sam is finally a member of Sixteen and they bump into Seventeen for the first time. Sam had never heard of these guys before (except for Wonwoo because she saw him in the hallway one time and almost broke her jaw at how hot he was, ahem), and when she was introduced to Seokmin, she didn't really see anything special about him, although she heard about his infamous smile, and she had to admit, that smile was pretty infectious. Because of his outgoing personality, he practically yelled in her face, "Hi! It's nice to meet you, I'm Lee Seokmin!" and although Sam was pretty friendly herself, she was so startled that she just stuttered out a "O-oh my God" in English, which surprised Seokmin. He proceeded to bombard her with questions like, "Are you from America?", "Do... you... speak... Korean...", and all that stuff, and Sam, having somewhat gotten used to his crazy personality, nodded her head, and finally greeted him properly with "Hello, I'm Im Sam, and I'm from America." Seokmin was so amazed that she was from America and asked if she could be his English tutor because his English grade is... lacking, and Sam agreed to it, although she didn't exactly know why.

Interactions— After Sam agreed to tutor him in English, he gave her his phone number and started to text her things relating to English, although he would always get off track. They had conversations that lasted throughout the day, but had pauses in between because honestly, Sam at texting, but hey, at least she texts back in a few hours, rather than in a few days. Then, he started to skype her because he realized that texting her took forever, and they spent countless nights studying and doing homework together. Although Sam wasn't one to be shy, she was definitely shy around him for some reason, and tends to get nervous whenever she's in a call with him. Since Sam is the tender height of 163 cm, and Seokmin was like way taller than her, he likes to put his elbows on her shoulders whenever they're together, and Sam always pretends to be a kung fu master and pretends to flip him like in those movies with Jackie Chan. Because of her American side that craves for skinship, Sam will always unconsciously find a way to have skinship with Seokmin, and it's rather frustrating when she finally realizes that she just held his hand, like what kind of girl does that, seriously? But it's a little better that Seokmin is a-okay with skinship, and can sometimes be a skinship monster, himself; although, he certainly cannot beat the skinship beast a.k.a Sam. Fun fact: he was the one that gave her the nickname "Da Man," and now, everyone uses it when she does them favors, so he just refers to her as "Samdong" from Dream High. Because he's a year older than her, they don't share any classes together, but for some reason, they're always around each other whenever Sam isn't with Sixteen or busy giving some TLC to the Dancer.

Love Rival— Kim Sulhyun

Age— May 21, 1997

Group— n/a

Personality— (+) charming, smart, strong-willed, (-) two-faced, greedy, prideful
Sulhyun is a very charming girl and that's probably why everyone in school loves her. She isn't very loud, but is just pleasant to look at and be with, and the way she delivers her words is rather charming, so people just become mesmerized in her presence. Her hamster teeth make her even more endearing because she just looks so adorable when she smiles, and she is truly the definition of a "cheeky hamster." She's also known for her intelligence, which is desired by many. Her marks in school are practically miracles to some people and the amount of knowledge she has in her brain is astounding. Many people go to her for subjects like science, math, history, etc., but her one weakness is definitely English. Sulhyun cannot tell the difference between to, too, and two, and thinks that hot pockets are warm pockets on your pants. However, she is incredibly strong-willed, and ambitious to get what she wants. Even if others advise her not to do it, she still does it anyways, and more than often succeeds. People told her not to go into one of the hardest classes in school, and she still did it, and passed excellently. Sulhyun doesn't quite like to leave her goals unfinished, and one of those goals is Seokmin, although that's the hardest goal she's ever pursued.
Despite being a model student with the charms of a princess, she can be rather two-faced, or fake. She appears to be very nice on the surface, but underneath, she's incredibly sly and cunning. Sulhyun always tries to get everyone to like her with her charming quality, but behind their backs, will not hesitate to talk bad about them. She doesn't exactly have the nicest opinion of many people, and tends to ignore them when she can. She's also rather greedy, but not in the sense of wanting the most pasta in her plate, or having the most clothes; she is greedy about achievements, such as school and boys. She thinks of them more as trophies, rather than what they are, and although she has managed to steal the hearts of practically every guy she's ever targeted on, she didn't see a use for them, and dumped them inconspiciously a few months later. She can also be very prideful, since she has won many awards, thanks to her intelligence, and loves to boast about her accomplishments. Sulhyun gets very proud when people praise her, and tries to act humbly about it, but inside, she is partying because of all the praise she gets. She tends to think highly of herself and less of others, and has a superiority complex. 

First Meeting— Since Sulhyun is a year older than Sam, they never really had a chance to meet her until Seokmin and Sam bumped into each other in the hallways, and Sulhyun was talking to him. Seokmin greeted Sam by using his nickname for her, and introduced the two to each other. When Sulhyun realized that "Samdong" wasn't her name and was just a nickname from that one dude in Dream High, she thought something was fishy, and decided to use her girl stalking powers on Sam. She was very friendly with her at first, but after finding out about their Skype sessions, she decided to do everything in her power to them, and asked Seokmin if she could join them because she wasn't that great at English either, and Sam accepted, without realizing that Sulhyun was more than what she seemed to be.

Interactions— Sam thinks that Sulhyun and her are friends, but Sulhyun thinks the complete opposite. She has her eye on Seokmin, and Sam is basically the obstacle that's preventing her from getting him, and worse than that, Sam doesn't even know that she has a crush on him! Sulhyun is constantly aggravated at that tidbit and she always gets irritated in their Skype calls because Seokmin and Sam are just so chummy together, and it practically feels like she's thirdwheeling them. When Sam starts to realize her feelings for Seokmin and starts to see that Sulhyun is pinning for him, she gets rather competitive, along with Sulhyun, and the two girls always create a strong tension that can only be felt by females, whenever they're together. Whenever Sulhyun tries to compete with her intelligence and charms, Sam would always roll her eyes and think to herself, "At least I don't look a rat," but hey, she knows she has to be nice to her enemies to infuriate them. Although they have this female rivalry against each other, Sam doesn't make a point to do anything against her because well, she ain't crazy.

Stage Name— Sam

Plotline— The Beauty

Position— Main Rapper, Visual ( Stylist, Lead Vocalist )

Talent Twins— 

— The Ark's Yuna ( rap )

Comments/Suggestions— hi! so originally i wanted to use yein as my fc bc i wanted to show that a monolid could fit the "normal" beauty standards, but then i decided against it, and made her the fc of samantha's love rival cause i was like NAAAAAH LOL. i hope you like her! btw very awkward but hehe halla is my backup just like 3 other applicants LMAO.

Scene Requests

— the girls are practicing a song, and while Sam is rapping, she keeps messing up over this phrase, so the girls try to help her out
— the girls giving her a tutoring session on Korean, while Sam gives them a tutoring session on English
— duet with Sam and Seokmin?? idk LOL 
— the girls trying to teach Sam a dance and she has a hard time with it, stating "I wasn't born to be a dancer!" it's ironic bc she's best friends with one LOL
— girls vs boys competition in something (but coughs, the girls win bc girl power cough) 
— Sam singing for once and the girls are shocked that her singing sounds almost exactly like hyuna's
— Sam trying to trick the girls with English tongue twisters, but she can't even say them properly LOL
— Sam and Danielle getting to know each other on a personal level b/c they're both American #samielle >>
— Sam and the other girls' interacting!!!!
— Sam stealing Danielle away from Joshua bc #samielle
— Sam stealing the girls away from all their boyfriends and crushes and all that jazz bc #samharem
— the girls finding out that Chris is her brother and are shocked because he is practically the opposite of her (and he's eyecandy hehe)



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Layout by luminous_star from Ice Waffles | Do not steal or remove credit


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