do tell me what you think of this out-of-context thingo / scene [taeny]

"I don't like it."


"Being with you."

"In here?"

"And saying secrets to strangers."

"Then let's be friends."

"Why should we go for a change when it's better to resolve the problem at hand with the people involved, Miyoung?"

Silence, and then, "You know it already, Taeyeon."

Taeyeon's knuckles whitened. Her grip was suffocating the veins in her blood, but she was feeling a deeper pain in her sanity. "I know I can vent this out on you, but I'm... hurting you."

Crack. Her voice wavered.

"It"s my job to be hurt then." Miyoung took the end of her fingers; Taeyeon trembled under. "Will you put all this progress we've done to waste? Will you?"

Taeyeon hated being cracked. She hated being tried. "I'd rather go back to having a mute friend who understands me."

Miyoung's hold weakened but she persisted, determined. "It"s not the same, Taeyeon-"

"To me it is." Taeyeon shouted in a level voice. It was hard to keep calm with a girl and her naturally loud voice. "I..."

"Please." Miyoung trailed her hand up to hers, wanting to hold it dearly. "Don't..."

Taeyeon shut her eyes, willing to shut out the world. She wished dark things to happen, to let the regrets come pouring in from her weak mind. "I can't do this anymore."

Miyoung shot out of her seat to grab the girl by her shoulders. Her tight hold was slowly loosing, her state of being lightening, her particles dissappearing. "Taeyeon. Please-"

"I wish you'd never appear in my life." Hatred was all in Taeyeon's face, but the tears in her eyes flowed down, like her soul wallowing in regrets. She couldn't do it.

"I'm sorry." Miyoung's voice was distant. She was cold and becoming, like the soft wind.

"You shouldn't be." Taeyeon whispered to no one, the grip around her gone, the memories flashing in her eyes nearer than a wounded cry of a young girl.

The cry of Miyoung, her once-friend.

Miyoung, the notebook. The girl who made her feel important. And selfish Taeyeon was, she never liked her, someone so much that she came to feel human.

It was the last time she felt, and when all other worldly breathing ceased, her world moved, pushing her to move on along with it.

"I'm the one who's sorry, Miyoung." Taeyeon said to no one.



I actually have a lighter idea for this that's taking on another direction, a manga-like of sorts. But for this one up here, well, I stopped at that point and I don't know if I should continue it. But yes, do tell me what you think of it. What do you think happened, how they got to that point. What's up with the notebook, and stuff. Like a theory of sorts. Feel free to make it romantic / fantastic / apocalyptic (oops---joke, it's not this) / et cetera


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