I'm back for now

HI!! HOW ARE YOU? I haven't been doing blogs and stuff recently. I'm busy and stuff but let me fill you up on my life...... (Be ready for this long post) <3

So Now I'm a junior in High school. I'm going to the hospital for internship. I am finally 16!! ^_^ My birthday was on Sept. 17 but we celebrated it in big on Saturday so we invited my uncle and cousins and one of oour long lost family friends. It has been almost 6 years or maybe 8 that we actually celebrated something together but I seem to rember some days we visited them briefly like 2 or maybe 4 years ago.... Btw I have really bad memory now...... Anyways so yeah it was fun. I got my friend's SNS since he had the same SNS accounts....Lol but we are still awkward well I am mostly cause like we havent a=hang out since like when we were little.... But OH YEAH I SAW ANOTHER OF MY FRIENDS THAT I HAVEN'T SEEN LIKE IN 3 OR 4 YEARS TOOO... So we went to my other friend's (the guy from above) house for a their mom's bday. SO yeah we saw them and yeah there wasn't anything much to say about that experience.... I guess we simply drifted apart too much but hey it's ok. At least I know they are doing well..... Idiots grew taller than me now T^T and I'm older than them.... Not fair T^T 

SO sometthing else to talk about...... I got my Class ring being ordered. I spent around  $820 for the ring and its beautiful.  

So My school intials are DCHS and 2017 is my Graduation Year. The Jaguar is our school mascot and the other symbol is part of my religion and on the inside my full name will be engraved. The blue stone is my birth stone.. This was one out of 6 designs I customized and it was the first that I customized so I had loved it more because of the special bond I was having while thinking on the story to write for it. It's a simple story not really to hard to figure it out in my opinion. 


My Story:
My name is Talya....... I am graduating in 2017 from Dubiski Career High School. The Mary has protected me and given me the strength as a mother can and my grandparents have prayed so much to her to let me continue on this path to sucess. God, Jesus, The Mary and the Saints that aree here to taker care of me and answer all my prayers and gicve me strength let me still be here and enjoy life to some extend. Although my life is full of sh*t and is really a life that I always wished would end soon and I have lost power here and there but I still continue in this dark world... I am proud of the things I have done as a student and as a human being. I got into the Kpop life in my freshman year of High school. My first fandom I got into was E.L.F and maybe by fate I was destined into being a kpop fan and ELF. I was purely destined to become a ELF and to fall in love with perfect men that are thousands and millions of miles away from me. I believe this because my birthday is on September 17 and the birthstone for September is Saphire and what is the ELF's color? Exactly Saphire blue! So yeah that was my reson and when I was doing my ring I was searching it I was shocked to this and it kind of is interesting once you think about it. Also the Saphire represents who I am since it repesents : "heavenly grace, sincerity, constancy and truth." But the most epic representation is this one :  "Sapphire has always been worn by royalty to symbolize holiness, wisdom, virtue and good fortune." (I am so fab.^_^ LOL XD)  but this one is sort of not me: "help banish evil negative thoughts". I been through so much and tbh I will not lie and say negative thoughts have never came to me. But anyways so yeah almost everything is somehow related to me oh and did you know Talya means golden dew from heaven! This is me and this is who I will ever be no mattere what. 


Oh and just last week I got a letter man jacket for my academic achievemic of reaching a 3.66 or above GPA! So yay! So far they said they'll be sent to us in like a month or so. I'll most a pic when I have it.. I will also post the ring when I get it on December. But yeah my life has been the same. Busy and tiring. My unnie graduated and now is in college so congrats to her. She's the best ever! ^_^

On october it will be my 4th month in my relationship <3

Lets hope more things change to the better cause I really don't need anymore downs in my life. 

Thanks for reading... <3

Much love from K-Popper1




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Good luck with everything! :)