Guess Who Couldn't Stay Away?

I've decided to start writing blog posts again because I have alot to say. In my "last" blog post, I purposely tried to not make a big deal out of it. I was thinking of writing My Neighborhood Is So Loud Part 3, but I'll just write about it here. People in my neighborhood put their stupid motorcycles as loud as they possibly can so it sets off car alarms and then the owners of the cars are too lazy to turn it off immediately so for about 10 minutes, I am unable to even hear myself think. Other than being loud, my neighborhood really isn't that bad.


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This one time, a couple were fighting in front of my house. You couldn't really tell what they were saying but we could hear them from inside my house. Other than that my neighborhood is usually quiet. Unless the neighbors are setting off fireworks, but I actually like that. :)