Nimbus | ❛ 우리의 이름은 후광! ❜ | Kim Hwami


Kim Hwami

LoveDonghae • Pandari • 10/10


the basics.

name » Kim Hwami "Hoa"

nickname(s) » At least two nicknames. State why.
        » Hoa // it's her stage name
        » Byun or Tae // short for byuntae aka ert // by members + brother

birthday + AGE » 16/01/96 | (20)
BIRTHPLACE » Seoul, S. Korea

hometown » LA, California, USA

ethnicity » Korean

language » Maximum is five, can only be fluent in two.
        » Korean // fluent // mother tongue
        » English // fluent // learned while in LA

face claim » Girl's Day Minah » 1, 2

backup face claim » Miss A's Min » 1


appearance » She wants a tattoo but she doesn't know what yet.

style » 

Casual — prefers sweaters that go past her writsts, tank tops, flanels, and jackets. She will wear any color but prefers not to wear all white because it gets dirty easily. She likes wearing leggings and skinny jeans but occasionally shorts as well.
1 . 2 . 3
Practice — prefers to wear basketball shorts or harem/dance pants with a tank top or loose t-shirt
1 . 2 . 3
Formal —button ups or professinal dresses/skirts
1. 2 . 3

"What do you mean I'm not debuting in Nimbus?"

" If you won't debut me in a group then why keep me here?!"


the girl next door.

PLOTLINE » The Comic // Lead Dancer, Lead Rapper, Vocals

— Singing Twin: Choa of AOA
— Rapping Twin (optional): Miryo of BEG
— Dancing Twin: Hyoyeon of SNSD




personality »  
// uplifting, mature (when it matters), attentive
»  She is a great person to go to if you are doubting yourself or are having any kinds of problems because she will listen to everything you have to say and try to give you advice afterwards! She likes when people are happy so she tries really hard to make sure those around her aren't sad. She is actually very mature even if she doesn't seem like it when she's messing around. She has vey specific lines when it comes to what is right and wrong. She is also very attentive to detail. Every little thing catches her eye - don';t expect to get much past her. One sign that she is stressed out or not feeling well is if she misses something that you are trying to hide from her or if she doesn't notice something right away because normaly she would have.
- // erted, high expectations, tough
» Despite her maturity, her mind is like a gutter. She thinks about guys a lot - especially their muscles - and can get distracted by her thoughts if she is alone. She has very high expectations of both herslef and her peers so she tends to seem very tough on them. Sometimes  she comes off to strong on both herself and others and attempts to push both past their limits - especially herself. It's hard for her to see the best in herself so she tends to spend a lot of time trying to improve herself.

trivias »

 foods: mint, sweets, mochi, bananas, sushi, dumplings, tomatoes, tea, soups, meat, iced coffee
— colors/patterns: blacks, blues, mint, pinks, reds, stripes, solids
— the sound and smell of rain
— candy: esp. sour gummy worms and lollipops
— Skinship
— Men
— cracking jokes

— foods: mayonaise, onions, celery
— when the members slack off
— hot weather
— the smell of sweat

— chewing on her lower lip // she leaves her teeth pressed against her lower lip when she's confused
— spacing out when she's bored
— flexesher right hand when she's stressed
— openly stares at people she thinks are attractive *cough* Seungcheol *cough*

— dancing // esp. ballet
— rapping
— surfing the internet (tumblr) for pictures of hot idols

— can ride a motorcycle but her company tells her not to unless it's 100% necessary because it's dangerous
— she thinks about guys or dancing to put her to sleep
— her ideal type is someone who is manly but sweet, lets her touch him, and is as erted as she is
— she has a lot of stamina because she has been dancing practically her whole life
— the smell of mint is a turn on for her
— she stares out the windows into the city when she can't sleep
— she can't sleep with the lights on unless she is exhausted
— she idolizes GDragon


home is where your heart is.

 » She moved from Seoul to LA when she was five - right after her younger brother was born. She went to school here and learned to speak English while also keeping to her Korean roots. She has been dancing ince she was six as her father was a dance teacher. She started out with ballet and ended up trying a bunch of different kinds of dance. Her favorite types ended up being hip hop and ballet. Her father was especially hard on her when it came to dance. Since as long as she can remember she wanted to dance for a living. She didn't have many close friends because she dedicated most of her time to dance but she was very friendly and a lot of people liked her. She used to dream about dancing ballet but when she started to dance hip hop at 10 years old she became conflicted about what she wanted to do with dance. For the next four years she continued to do both ballet and hip hop, her father wanting her to persue the former but she wasn't sure which to dedicate herself to. She heard about a Pledis audition happening in her area and she decided to try out, telling herself that if she got inn then she would choose hip hop and if she didn't then she'd choose ballet. She ended up passing the audition (14 years old) and Pledis moved her to Korea. Her brother took this the hardest because they were super close. She hadn't told her parents about the audition - only her brother - so when she passed she was super shocked. She told her parents and her mother was happy but her father was rather stoic about it because he wanted her to continue ballet. They let her leave for Korea to persue her dream.

 » A year later when she was fifteen she was cut from Pledis because they didn't have enough money to debut another girl group. She was upset and didn't know what to do because her family was still in the US and she had nowhere to go. Her best friend at the time - xxx a trainee at the time but now a member of Seventeen - let her stay in his dorm until she could figure out what to do. She told her parents and they decided to move back to Korea. She moved back in with them and was lost - she felt like she failed. Her brother ended up comforting her and talking her into trying out for another company - MCM. She debated whenther or not she would be able to become an idol but her father came and told her that he thought she should do it because that's her dream and so she did. She got in on her first try.

 » She continued school throughout her life until she graduated high school. In school she was the one who would always make people laugh by cracking jokes but she was rather lonely despite the attention she would get. If people from school knew she didn't really have any close friends there they would be shocked. She got decent grades but was more concerned with her dancing (and eventually rapping). She used whatever time she wasn't using to practice at the company or be in class to dance ballet.


— Kim Sehyuk | dance teacher - ballet | 52 | father - loving but tough esp. on Hwami
— Kim Minhae | kindergarden teacher | 50 | mother - caring, babies her children
— Kim Taehyun | High School student | 16 | younger brother - Taehyun absolutely adores his older sister. He loves kpop and he can't wait for her to debut so he can brag to his friends about her and get them into her group.



— Lee Jihoon "Woozi" | idol | 19 | best friends - The two trained together when Hwami was still in Pledis. They got along immediately and he was her first best friend. Woozi knows how dirty minded she is and likes to mess with her about it. They would do anything for each other.
— Choi Seungcheol "S.Coups" | idol | 20 | friends and crushes - They met when she trained under Pledis. They have crushes on each other.

— name | occupation | age | relationship

Trainee life
Hwami trained with Pledis for 1 year before being cut. While she was there she became close with a couple of trainees: Woozi and Seungcheol from Seventeen. She knew all the members however but was cut before she could get really close with them.
She was with MCM for 5 years after being cut from Pledis and has been waiting so long to debut. To tell you the truth, she feels so ready and she is super excited for Nimbus. that she's really butthurt that she wasn't chosen for Nimbus. At first she takes it pretty badly but just pushes herself harder as a result (actually making herself sick in the process) but eventually gets over it (but not really). She didn't have it easy as a trainee but she wasn't bullied per say. The other trainees at the company pretty much just ignored her or acted like she wasn't there until she'd crack a joke and make them laugh. She doesn't open up easily to people so despite her friendly demeanor she doesn't have many close friends in the company. She likes her fellow trainees though.


the one and only.

love interest » Choi Seungcheol "S.Coups" // Seventeen

backup love interest » OC Park Kangdae (one of Taehyun's friends) OR Park Jaehyun // Day6 OR another applicant


personality »
He's cute and leaderly but deep down he's just as dirty minded as she is. As the leader of Seventeen he has to try and keep the boys in check but he's rather gentle about it unless he has to be authoritative. He fits both the cute and y concept really well which drives the girls crazy and he knows it. He's very charismatic which makes him look great when he performs or is on camera. s know how dirty minded he is but he begs them not to tell Hwami because he thinks it would weird her out. Little does he know that she is the exact same way.


love story »
 » Hwami met Seungcheol when she first came to the company. Although they met at a mandatory company introduction event the two got close after Seungcheol walked in on her dancing ballet in one of the practice rooms late at night. He stood there shocked at how beautiful she looked while dancing. When she realized she was being watched she was too shocked to say anything and just grabbed her stuff and ran out of the practice room. The next day he went out to find her and when he did he made sure to try and be her friend. They were both young and optomistic and immediately got along. They both like making people laugh so they get along well together, cracking jokes constantly. When she got cut from the company Seungcheol convinced Woozi to ask her to stay with them in the dorms until she could find a place to stay. Hwami still thinks that it was Woozi's idea. They haven't been able to talk as much snce  she was cut but they still text and go out for coffee or lunch if he has time.
 » Hwami and Seungcheol constantly make each other laugh. They try to crack the funniest jokes and make a competition out of it. They both like skinship so are often touching each other whether it's an arm on a shoulder or a hand on a thigh. He likes making her laugh because he loves how she looks when she smiles. She likes touching his arm muscles and his hands. He can't help but to feel happy when she's around. Since both of them have dirty minds, they drive each other crazy without even knowing it. Seungcheol especially loves watching when Hwami dances ballet because it reminds him of how they met. They are crushing on each other but don't think the other would like them that way. Sometime when they are together they just relax and listen to music together. They are both fans of Dok2 so they listen to his raps often.


last words.

comments/suggestions » I'm really sad I missed the deadline to be part of the group T^T

scene requests » 
      » Taehyun - her younger brother - introducing Hwami to his friends and them freaking out because they love Nimbus
» Taehyun meeting Seungcheol for the first time and seeing how he looks at his sister
» Hwami spacing out while thinking about Seungcheol
» Seungcheol backhugging Hwami. The two being touchy.
» Woozi teasing both Seungcheol and Hwami about how they want each other.
» Seungcheol kissing Hwami for the first time
» Seungcheol and Hwami being erted // admiring each other's features

password » AOA Heart Attack // #99ff99


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