BIrthday Holiday

Okay, seriously, your birthday should be like an offcial holiday for you.

Like what if a person comes home late and goes to work early? How will they manage? let alone celebrate the day they came into the world with their awesomeness? I mean my birthday is on a MONDAY!!!! A GOD DAMN MONDAY! WOW! THANKYOU! WORLD!

And i have to get my up at 5 am! go to ty school at 6 which takes two hours, study till around 5, come back home- again takes two hours, and congrats to me, I'll be  home around 7 pm. Jolly good! what a wonderful way to celebrate my 17th (AKINDA~ lololol....fml.) birthday!!

I say we should have an official off on our bdays, unless your a doctor....or someone important...meh, students should have an off though.... like pLEASE SOME PREsIdENT OF SOMEWHERE make THIs a LAW!!!!!

owlcake476x290.jpgps: this is a cool cake (LOL BUT I AINT GETTIN' IT!)


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