Ten Facts About Me #1

  1. I'm an american citizen (born August 1st, 1997)
  2. I'm Austrian, German, Turkish, British, Australian, and Native American. (However, most people in my school/town are Italian, so they see my tan skin in the winter/fall and ask if I'm Italian, they tell me I'm lying when I say I'm not Italian, which makes me angry...Then in the Spring/Summer they see my really, really tan skin {from being Native American and being out in the sun so much playing soccer} and for some reason ask me if I'm black...)
  3. I'm 14.
  4. I'm "5'9
  5. I skipped a grade
  6. I'm multilingeul (I speak English fluently, I know some Chinese, Japanese, German, conversational Korean, I learnt Spanish from Preschool to 5th grade, and then I started to learn French from 6th grade to present day...)
  7. I'm the youngest in my family and in my group of friends, and in my grade...-.-
  8. I only have three sisters.
  9. I've lived in one place my whole life.
  10. I've listened to Kpop since back in 2004 (so for a majority of my life and before it got popular where I live, now kids in my grade call me the Kpop Queen and I don't really understand why...)


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