I nearly just died of fright


Well I am terrified of spiders and it doesn't matter the size I am still scared of them, it is offically spider season and I thought that it was only in Australia that you had to check toilets before you used them for spiders (black widows and stuff)...

I went to the toilet just now not really thinking about any spider being in the toilet because I live in the UK that's so far from Australia...Unfortunately I had to throw up after so I did then when I was washing my mouth out I happened to take a glance at the loo before I flushed and omfg the biggest ing spider was crawling up from the sides!!!!! I literally freaked and didn't know what to do it was so big!! I flushed the loo and the spider was flushed away but omfg I am to scared to go to the toilet now *cries* 


I hate spiders *cries while throwing shoes at any spider I see*


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Well it happens to me and I Nope the hell out of there
Omg I live in the UK too and basically I was walking into the bathroom getting ready for a shower, when I noticed I walked passed this huge spider and I was like oH MY GOD
bobjo1913 #3