New story idea.

So I have once again come up with a new story idea.

So I want to make this the intro chapter. 

Tell me what you think.

The scent of pine cherry filled the air.

The site of Tulips we're clear.

The pillows we're marshmallow fluff and the blanket was white.

The sound of soft humming filled his ears.


He took a step.

The  warm floor creaked Beneath his feet.

The young boy opened the bedroom door.


The sound of vegetables plopping into the boiling pot was welcoming.

The sound of a small song playing on the radio was new as the smell changed from cherry sweet the curry spice.


The seven teen year old boy named Aaron crept down the long hall.


Now the sound switched to a quiet firmilar him.

A tune that wasn't quite new to the boy.

He had remembered learning and singing it himself.


As Aaron  ventured further into the cabin house, he found himself standing in front of a Large kitchen door.


Now the smell of the Curry started becoming clear to him.

The Basil, the cabbage, the patatos and even the  Lamb.


The boy who was once stirring the pot of spice had stopped stirring and humming.

He spun on the heel of his foot.


He gave Aaron an intense stare that  was welcomed by a smile.


"Good afternoon Aaron, I'm Kris, your older brother. "



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