ㅤㅤ▪ ㅤㅤ주피터 — Lee Myung Eun

lee Myungeun.
full name。lee myungeun 이명은.
♡ Ginny, as in Ginny Weasly from Harry Potter, because just like her, she has had a crush on him since forever.
♡ destiny / unmyeong(운명), if you read her name backwards, eunmyung(은명) and the korean word for fate/destiny sound really alike, so most of her fans and friends call her like that. 
birthplace。suncheon, south jeolla, south korea.
hometown。suncheon, south jeolla, south korea.
korean, native (usually speaks with a thick jeolla accent)
english, basic, Mostly learnt by video-games and watching harry potter movies.
faceclaim。april's jinsol
backup faceclaim。dia's eunjin
height & weight。167cm & 47kg.
With a really tall frame, especially for her age, myungeun is usually recognized by her natural beauty and milky skin (and the funny faces she is always making). She’s always smiling, so even if her eyes aren't exactly small, they are always shaped in small crescent moons. If it's not made by the group’s stylist, her hair is usually tied up in a messy bun.
Myungeun is the cheerful, outgoing, and sometimes dorky kind of girl, the kind of person who would do anything to make others laugh, that's the main reason she's always making funny faces or imitating animal sounds.
most of the time she's seen as dumb kid because she's either spacing out, being too loud, moving around more than it's necessary or making jokes at the worst moments, but that's because she's too young (and too immature even for her young age) and because she's really impulsive, and it's really hard that she thinks before acting. Whatever it is, she's usually described as an elementary school annoying kid or ‘choding (초딩)'.
she loves pulling pranks on her members, the dumb innocent ones like painting moustaches on their faces while they are sleeping, and sometimes the annoying ones like putting fake insects on the shoes cabinet (she once put her spider in there, after that her pet is forbidden from the practice room and dorm if she doesn't want it dead).
even if she's usually smiling, she actually cries a lot, whenever she's angry, sad, annoyed, or she feels pressured, or if people blame her for something she didn’t do, or if someone is angry at her, or if... well, almost everything you can imagine can make her cry, but luckily, just as easy as it is to make her cry, you can put a smile on her pretty lips (just give her candy or show her a puppy or cat video in YouTube).
Long story short. She’s a prankster, a cry-baby and she's too loud for her own good. 
min of two paragraphs, max of five.
♡ Loves Harry Potter (movies and books)
♡ Loves violin’s sound
♡ Loves her father’s Caramel Macchiato
♡ Loves the colors blue and purple
♡ Loves math and numbers
♡ Loves spiders and cats, and animals in general
♡ Has like a hundred stuffed animals and still sleeps with her favorite teddy bear.
♡ Hates history class
♡ Hates color pink
♡ she says Draco Malfoy is her worst enemy.
♡ Can’t stand vanilla and coconut smell.
♡ She abhors quiet places
♡ Doesn’t know how to put make up by her
♡ Whenever she has free time she would learn other kpop dances (especially boy-groups’)
♡ Can spend all her summer vacations in playing video games (has finished all ‘tales of…’ games and has played ‘kingdom heart’ and ‘persona 4’ like a trillion times).
♡ It’s really hard to see her walking like any other normal person, she would always skip.
♡ Has a spider pet called ‘Eden’ and a cat called ‘Smith’
♡ She’s allergic to blueberries
♡ She wished she had a charmander as her pet
♡ Is afraid of the ocean
♡ she's mamamoo's #1 fangirl, especially Moonbyul's.
♡ loves wonder girls and 4 minute and hyuna and she's her inspiration to become an idol (but she usually says it's her uncle since he's always annoying her to make her say it). 

♡ the romantic grinch. she hates romance, love, couples, everything related to that. she'd rather eat her beloved eden than love anyone. 

♡ lee jae min / father / 39 / lawyer, co-owner of a coffee-shop.
h.o.t's jaewon older brother. 
he's a really caring, calm and gentle man (his biggest defect it's that he's way too gullible). he's the kind of person who would do anything for his family so, when his daughter told him she wanted to be an idol he convinced his brother to let her audition to sm entertainment and left his job as a prosecutor to go to seoul and open a coffe shop with his wife.
♡ lee hae ra / mother / 37 / economist, co-owner of a coffee-shop
a sweet woman who usually acts without thinking, she's the always moving around and it's really cheerful. people think that myungeun personality 8and looks) comes from her. she got pregnant while studying at the university but she doesn't regret stoping her studies for taking care of her boloved children. 

♡ lee myungjoo / brother / 17 / student, part-timr waiter at the family coffe-shop. 
he's the 'most-normal' member of the family, usually calm and rational, he's surprisingly don-to-earth. he's always studying and loves bickering with his beloved sister (but he loves her and protects her a lot). He's the jealous kind of brother and usually scares the guys who myungeun thinks are 'boyfriend-material'. 
♡ lee jae won / uncle / 34 / ex h.o.t member, sm entertainment employe
an impulsive kind of guy. he really takes care of his niece and while she was a sm trainee he would keep an eye on her. he thinks that her talents only comes from him since his brother (myungeun's father) was never an artistic kind of guy. 

♡ jeon ahreum / friend, fellow trainee, crush / 17 / trainee at aida, student
it may be because of their similar personalities or the closeness in their ages (or the fact that myungeun has a tiny little crush on ahreum that makes her steak by her side but she would never ever accept it out loud) but they are usually seen together while the group is hanging out. Ahreum was the first one to approach her when myungeun switched companies and they immediately turned into good friends. They are always playing around and somehow myungeun always convinces ahreum to play pranks on the others and well, they are always just being themselves.
♡ lee chan (dino) / best friend, classmate / 16 / seventeen's maknae, student, michael jackson fanboy (?)
They met in middle school when myungeun transferred to Seoul and because of their shared passion (dancing) or maybe because they could freely speak in dialect (both are from jeolla) they turned into good, inseparable friends. they decided together to go to the same high school (ok, maybe pledis decided for chan and she decided to stick to him not wanting to be alone for the first few hours of school year). They would usually play around, bicker, and make dance routines so they could someday perform on the same stage.
stage name。Myungeun (명은)nclude any special characters.
persona。*insert jupiter's fansclub name here*'s destiny / jupiter's cute choding
position。main dancer, lead vocalist..
talent twins。
singing。lovelyz' soojung.
dancing。gpbasic's jney. 
trainee duration
a total of 3 years and 4 months:
♡ 2 years and 9 months in sm entertainment (june 2012 - march 2015) 
♡ 7 months in aida entertainment (march 2015 - now)
trainee life。
what was your character's trainee life like? describe here, max of two paragraphs.
love interest。
username & nickname。marciraptor, but just callme marci~ .
comments。sooo... first of all: i really hope you like this kid~ i had fun creating her kk~ second: do you think she needs a formal love interest? i would like her to keep her 'romance grinch' facade forever kk~ buuuut it would be nice if you could dvelop her small crush over ahreum just a tiny little bit if you choose her.
OH and since i didn't really write about a love interest I just put a picture of mamamoo's moonbyul since she's pretty awesome and  i wanted her to 
scene requests。
scene requests, or any song suggestions, go here!


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