Just wanting to get something off my chest


I know I haven't really been active (because school has been a pain) lol but somwthing has been bugging me. You don't have to say anything or give me advice. Well, here it goes.


I have this friend that I think is really pretty. She's nice and funny, and definitely a great friend. But the problem is that she tends to always have a guy chasing after her. She says that she doesn't see them as a person she'd ever date. BUT i catch her always flirting with them when I am with her. 

"I can't seem to be friends with a guy because they always like me in the end." This was her exact words. I laughed and thought, "Well maybe the reason for that is because you always lead them on and flirt with them!" 

Recently, her latest victim was someone who I thought would make a great boyfriend (don't misunderstand, I have no feelings for the guy, I just feel bad) because he is very genuine and sincere. He isn't the most attractive guy but his personality definitely makes up for it. He makes everyone feel good about themselves and always seems to have a smile on his face. 

So when my friend started to talk to him, I told her not to break his heart. She told me she had no idea what I was talking about. Later, I found a conversation she was having with him on facebook (we use each other's accounts all the time) and I saw the way they were talking. It was more than just a "friendly" conversation and I knew this guy was head over heels for my friend.

And guess what happened? He confessed to her! And of course, she turned him down. I really question myself why I didn't do anything to prevent this from happening. Maybe it's because I thought this time it'd be different? OR maybe it's because I was afraid if I did something, the situation could become worse. I'm not sure.

I have already had a full on conversation with my friend and I feel like she really doesn't understand what she's doing at all. I feel bad for all the guys she lead on. Sometimes I wonder if I should stop being friends with this girl. Everything about her is perfect except her relationship with the guys around her. I've known her for 6 years; she is fun to be around and I can count on her to be by my side if I ask. But I can't count how many times the guys she has played with have asked me if she was seeing someone or if they had a chance with her.

My answer?

"Don't get involved. Run."

They just laugh.


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You need to tell her directly about her actions towards the boys. It's not right to lead someone on just for her own satisfaction. She must know it'll get to her in the end. You must tell her clearly that what she did was wrong and because you guys are best friends , she have to take the advice . If she says something like "I don't know what you mean" THEN TELL HER VERY CLEARLY , EVERY ACTIONS , EVERY WORD THAT SHE HAD SAID TO LEAD THEM ON. Trust me I have a friend like her too and the only way that It will work is to tell them directly. It's a hard thing to do I admit but you just have to think of the pros and cons ofcourse.
Does waking her up will benefit you or will it affect you. But of course if you really love her as your best friend ,you should advice her :) All the best
JKNewsandDavidSo #2
You sound very caring and the girl seems to be pleasing to be with. If her habit continues, you need to give an intervention or something to awaken her so she can see her problem. Maybe she doesn't realize that the way she is acting actually looks like flirting in a guy's eye or stranger's view. I'm sorta like that but 99% of the time the guys don't like me, so I guess I'm safe.( I don't flirt though, just tease them the same way I tease my friends that are girls, if that makes sense.)