Too Many Ideas

     If your a writer you proably keep an idea book because you may be in the middle of writing one story when suddenly *BAM* you get hit with inspiration for another one. Now, from what I understand, if you're the type of person to keep one of these books then you have no problem writing down said idea and getting back to work on your other story. If this sounds like you then I truly admire your ability to focus on one story at a time.

    You see in my case that's where I have trouble. Recently I've been trying to keep an idea book of own in the hopes that it'll help me stay focused, but to no avail. Unfortunatly, when I get a new idea I generaly can't resist the complusion to immediately write out at least the the first chapter. As a result of this, I have yet to finish any of my stories and as of now I am currently working over a dozen on-going stories.

     Sometimes having such a vivid imagition can have its drawbacks. Oh well, wish me luck and maybe one day soon I'll actually be able to a story.


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