Craft #74: Fairy House

This is horrible!

 My Akatsuki cloud flatback is missing and my tooth (the same one I blogged about) is hurting again. I will schedule an appointment with my dentist today/this week.

And I have to make another flatback. 

The list of charms/sculptures I have to make and re-make is getting longer and longer. Oh well.


Anyway, here's my version of a fairy house and it's a mushroom if you're wondering:



Poptart suggested yellows, reds and oranges for the tree in my smial but I thought of just making another project that is autumn-themed. Next time, I'll make a larger version and make a fairy for it. In fact, I want to make one for every season even though my country doesn't experience four seasons.

I know I keep saying this, as if the chapter would write itself or the layout would code itself, but I do1 hope I come up with updates this month.

It's just that I'm quite addicted to polymer clay at the moment.

If I'm not sculpting, I'm reading. Keeper is enjoying an extended vacation haha!!!

But that will soon end, because NaNoWriMo is coming in less than two months. And I don't want to lose.

I pretty much gave up on CampWriMo on the third day, lol but since I won my first NaNoWriMo last year, I am determined to write 50k or more in 30 days or less (25 days) this November.

Bring it!

I have to plan and prepare an outline for a new novel. (I haven't touched the first one, ack!)

Keep calm, Keeper.



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Omg these onion head GIFs...

Oh no! The Akatsuki cloud haha, all those swirls. Good luck!

The colours for the fairy house are on point, /claps.
Love! Love! Love!
You make me want to make one to hahahaah
Maybe, I should force myself to write lol sitdown and just keep on typing lol