The fighter


username • nickname • activity rate



                                         Kim_Ra-In          Rain                 7/10




the basics.



name » Lee Se Jin


nickname(s) » Jin - used by her brother when he wants something from her


Jem - her nickname in the gang, as she is considered a gem due to her skills.


birthplace & birthday » Seoul, South Korea [january 9 1991]




hometown » Seoul, South Korea


ethnicity » Roman Catholic


language » Korean [Fluent]

English [self taught, fluent]




face claim » 4Minute Hyuna



backup face claim » Sonamoo D.ANA   http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1058075





appearance » Se Jin has cat like Eyes that go along her clean cut nose, with an oval shaped face to match, she could rival Sophia for the title of femme fatale. She has long dyed brown hair going up to her waist, which is almost always tied up in a ponytail or pulled up in a snapback, Se Jin also has extremely pale skin that makes her look slightly unnatural.


style » Se Jin has a very hip hop style. She likes wearing oversized sweatshirts with denim shorts to match, and to top it all of, converse with knee length socks, not a look a 24 year old should be going for, but she manages to pull it of. But while posing as a teacher, Se Jin normally wears booted high heel, a turtle neck sweater     [ to cover up the bruises from training], long leggings and her hair tyed up in a ponytail,


" I'm allergic to stupidity, so sorry if i dont sit and listen to your bull"









plotline » The Fighter


personality »

Se Jin is a very sarcastic person, she has what you call a "steel heart" so she doesn't get affected if you throw insults at her. The fact that she is sarcastic also means she has no sense of sympathy, which gets her in trouble a lot as she doesn't know how to keep her insults to herself. She comes of as a rude person, and doesn't have a lot of friends, not that she wants them.She doesn't understand the concept of sharing, being youngest in the family, i guess that is acceptable. She also gets angry at the smallest thing. Use her shampoo? Expect an earful and a few hits here and there. She also doesn't get what personal space is. Se Jin feels like she needs to know everything that is going on, and she will do anything to find out. She will pull your hair, hit you, annoy you and do all sorts of things. It is times like this when her inner child comes out and annoys the hell out of everyone. Most of the time though, Se Jin is a very insulting person that could kill you with one look. Though she is sociable, she just rubs people off the wrong way most of the  time.

 But Se Jin isn't all that bad. When you pull through her annoyingness and insults, Se Jin is a very loyal friend. She takes care of them like a mother [ a very naggy one i might add] helps them to the best of her ability, If there is one thing Se Jin treasures most, its friendship. If you become her friend, you may rest in peace, she lets no harm come to them. So if you decide to bully one of Se Jin's friends, you just might find yourself waking up one day, dangling over a shark tank [it has been done once, it will happen again]. She doesn't pretend to be innocent and act cute so guys will fall for her, she is a very independent girl that you can always count on. Se Jin is also very boyish in a way, she hates make up, doesn't like dresses or skirts that much [ has a strange obsession with high heels though] and prefers to tie her hair up. Because of her personality and style she has more guy friends than girls. But despite her tough exterior Se Jin is still a girl. She is insecure about her body and face given the standards in Korea, she wants someone to tell her she is beautiful and amazing and most of all she just wants to feel loved  




trivias » Likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies, trivias, etc.






- Being in charge


- Reading


- being feared [ i find this weird as well]


- taking pictures


- her brother




- Coke

- Running

- Sleeping

- Sob stories [cause she's experienced them, and plain doesnt like em]

- REALLY energetic people

- Annoying people

- like 8o% of the human population [she still talks to them LMAO]





home is where your heart is.


background » Se Jin's parents never wanted a girl. She wasnt so sure why, so when the vampie was born, her parents were over joyed. They felt that everything in their life was perfect and complete. Up until Se Jin came, they didnt want another child, especially a girl, but they weren't cruel enough to give her up. So they raised Se Jin. But it was clear she was the unfavored one. Her parents didnt outright say their dislike for her, but it was clear as day. They ignored her whenever she spoke, never signed her school papers [ resulting her in forging their signatures, which later became an important skill later on] and always turned a blind eye when Se Jin came jome broken and bruised.


Se Jin was from a rich family, naturally that made her a target for the bullies at school, she endured it all though, the pain and scars. She was dying both physically and mentally. One day, at 3rd grade, she decided she couldnt take it anymore, she ran. And ran far.


Se Jin ran away from home, leaving her family, she had learnt to fend for herself and during the course of running, hiding and fighting, she managed to master almost all forms of martial arts and isnt afriad to show it. At 16, she met Sophia who was on a mission, Se Jin was just passing by when she heard Sophia screaming, not for help [ god knows whether she'll ever need help] she was screaming from fury. Apparently, her victim, if that what you want to call it, ran away from her. Straight at Se Jin. Maybe he though he could use her as a threat, i dont know. But boy, was he in a surprise, Se Jin made him go DOWN. Straight up unconsious. Sophia was impressed, a 16 year old eating a guy up? Sophia hadnt seen that since she was 16. Sophia the asked Se Jin to join the gang, after much persuasion in her part. Sophia was like a mother to Se Jin, one she never had. And Se Jin was content, greatful even. A few years after joining though, a new member showed up at their doorstep. Her brother. She wasnt sure how or why, Se Jin never had the courage to ask. But one thing was clear, they were destined to be family.





» MOTHER // LEE SEO HYUN // 67 // HOUSEWIFE // SWEET, KIND AND CARING. ALSO VERY LENIENT // Only gave Se Jin her meals, otherwise, no interaction

THE VAMPIRE // 35-41 // POSING AS A STUDENT IN A HIGH SCHOOL // UP TO WHO EVER ENDS UP BEING THE VAMPIRE //  their close, but not enough, due to the vampire being the favored child, he was always in guard by his parents. Not allowing Se Jin and the vampire to become close.



girl friend of Se Jin's love interest. But its clear Min Hee prefers the love interest. Absolutely despises Se Jin as she is a definite rival for her but doesnt give her much thought. Se Jin thinks Min Hee has gone crazy thinking she actually like the love interest, but little does she know how right Min Hee is.





" I








"I tried being nice, i didnt like it"




the one and only.


love interest » Kim Myung Soo [INFINITE L]


backup love interest » Lee Byunghun [TEENTOP L.JOE]


personality »Due to growing up being praised about his looks, he grew up pretty cocky and absolutely convinced that girls love him. So when he met Se Jin. He didnt like her, she was rude, didnt think he was hot, and managed to shoot down all of his advances. He could be charming when he wanted to be, but most of the time he just had to shoot a girl one look, and its K.O for her. But despite being a total  ***hole . If you try to get to know him better [ which is mostly impossible] he is very charming and funny, a whole lot of fun of be with. He has the kind of wit and humor you dont see in very many people, but his bad sides really do overweigh the good.



love story » He was the new intern at the school, and Se Jin was put in charge for him. Which immediately made all the other females i the schol glower at her. But Se Jin didnt like him. She never liked many people anyways. She thought he was an air head with a pretty face. He thought she was a complete psycho who spilled coffee on their first meeting and didnt bother to apologise. They hated each other. And they were fine with that. Until Baek Joogyu disappeared. After learning the only father figure in her life disappearing, Se Jin became distraught. Even more so tha Sophia, she couldnt keep up with her undercover work, started eating less and snapped at anyone who dared to speak up to her.He was getting annoyed. He couldnt like usual without getting snapped at. He couldnt insult her without her bursting into tears, he couldnt even ask what was wrong, cause they werent close. It wasnt all that better whenever Min Hee came and started shoving herself all up in his face right infront of Se Jin. Finally, he had enough, after school he kidnapped her and took her out. For the whole day, at first she refused and kept wanting to go home. After a while she relented and had the time of her life with him. After words he took her home, but not before giving her a kiss. Which got her an earful from the vampire when she entered the house. Then thats how it went, sure they had their fight [ like that one time Min Hee kissed him right infront of Se Jin] and their insults [ which is a normal part of their relationship tbh]. But he was the one who made her feel whole, complete and finally, loved. [also the one who kept her in check through out the missing of Joongyu]




last words.



comments/suggestions » Hello! Im sorry if i messed up something. if i did please tell me so i can fix it! i really hope you will accept me, this is one of the first times im applying for a fanfic so im not entirely sure with everything. but that wont stop me! ill try my best! fighting!


scene requests » There could be like one scene where Se Jin and her love interest are like together [but not officially, their like beating around the bush] and Se Jin suddenly sees Min Hee kissing him. Like lol, mega heart break. Se Jin keeps quiet and starts distancing herself from him [ and it doesnt help shes still distraught from joongyu going missing] and he doesnt know whats going on. He keeps bugging her and asking why until finally she breaks, cries and tells him she saw everything or something. He then turns shell shocked and tries to explain. but she doesnt listen and runs off. he then does something romantic s an apology which gets him a kiss and a punch from Se Jin [ what? shes a fighter after all]


password » BlackList [.....sorry / goes to hit self for not being able to come up with good names]






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Thank you for fixing everything! And btw I love the name BlackList!