`show me the love 一 park 'p.kay' kae



( p.kay )

lovedonghae | pandari

History | Discography | Audition | Youtube


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FULL NAME: Park Kae (Kay - English name)
o Princess // by Jay because she means a lot to him 
AGE: 26 

BIRTHPLACE: Seattle Washington, USA
ETHNICITY: 3/4 Korean, 1/4 Caucasian
HOME TOWN: Seattle Washington, USA
LANGUAGES: English - Fluent || Korean - Fluent

HOW THEY GOT INTO THE UNDERGROUND SCENE: Kae first got into the underground scene two years after Jay Park left Seattle to train under JYP. That was in 2006 when she was 17.  He used to compliment her abilities when he was still in Seattle and would sometimes text her about if she had been doing well and if she continued working on music while he was a trainee. She hadn't been as focused on music because of school and also because she wasn't the happiest person after Jay left. After Jay left, she was very lonely and after two years finally felt the urge to debut her own skills. After she began doing her own music she realized that it made her feel better and a little less lonely. 

HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN IN THE UNDERGROUND SCENE: 9 years since the release of her first cover and 7 years since the release of her first original piece. She has only been in Korea for 5 years.

FACE CLAIM: Brown Eyed Girls Gain
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BACK UP FACE CLAIM: AOA Choa - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

HEIGHT: 160 cm
WEIGHT: 53 kg

~Kae prefers to keep her hair short (but she would definitely grow it out if Jay asked her to just saying) and likes it in either brown or blue. She has acrylic nails and likes them moderately long. 1 | 3 | 3 
~tattoos: (in order obtained)
1. pause/play/ff/rw/shuffle tattoo on wrist [when she decided to persue music]
2. wing ankle tattoos
3. Love - inside of right thigh | Hate - inside of left thigh [right before Jay came back to Seattle]
4. yin/yang koi fish on spine [when she got to Korea]
5. Imagine script on left side [just recently]


~Accessories: she wears jewelry often but in small amounts and prefers wearing gold over silver. Her favorite jewelry to wear is rings and earrings (esp cuffs).

~She loves wearing scarves, especially when it's cold. She also likes wearing snapbacks and thinks its fun to steal Jay's hats and wear them around (even sometimes taking them off his head) but he doesn't do anything because he secretly likes it when she does that.
~Caual clothing: She prefers wearing dark colors over light colors (esp. black, blues, purples) but will also wear lighter colors. She tends to avoid wearing all white because she doesn't like how dirty white clothes can get. She prefers wearing skinny jeans but will also wear skirts, dresses, and short shorts occasionally. She loves wearing button ups and plaid (also sometimes stealing Jay's)
~Performance clothing: she wears slightly more revealing clothing if she is on stage and generally wears short shorts


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+ polite, fun, optomistic, friendly, dorky, open minded, witty, hardworking
- gets jealous easily, can be very lazy, shy around new people, passive agressive when angry
o dirty minded, touchy, sassy (to her friends), humble

o Kae was raised to be polite yet to enjoy life so she knows the right way to act around everyone while still enjoying herself. Despite her good manners she is generally very sassy when she is interacting with her friends. She was raised taking care of her brother so she likes pampering people when they are sick (she feels like she has to). She was raised in a very open minded family so she herself is very accepting of everyone. Because of this, however, she tends to dislike when people aren't open minded. When she gets angry at people she tends to just stay silent. If angered enough she will explode (scream and possibly hit someone). She has never done this yet though.
o She is a very fun loving person and loves to just chill. This is when her dorkiest sides come out. She loves playing video games and watching movies so when she gets talking about something she loves it's hard to get her to stop. Because of this, she is very friendly. Even though it can be hard for her to open up to people, once she does she is very personable. She likes making others laugh and is very witty, making her more charismatic in group conversations. To her sometimes being lazy is fun so it can be hard for her to get up off her sometimes.
o She actually has a very dirty mind which she generally keeps to herself but her closest friends know a little bit about it so they a lot. She appreciates the human body - that's her excuse. Her ertedness goes hand in hand with how touchy she likes to be. Sometimes it'shard for her to keep her hands off of people - especially if she finds them attractive or if they are really close - whether it's just a hand on the thigh or hugging, etc. Because of her innate shyness, however, she generally doesn't get touchy with people unless they are very close or they initiate it.
o Overall, she is a very hard working yet funloving person. She gets attatched to people so if she considers you a friend then she intends to be close for a very long time.  She also takes loyalty very seriously so if you betray her trust, you are going to be in the doghouse for a very long time. She might "forgive" you but that doesn't mean she will forget what you did. She is very humble about her performing so she will rarely ever brag about her skills but she secretly loves getting complemented, especially by her friend Jay.
o She knows it's irrational but she gets jealous of the rest of AOMG sometimes  because of how much attention Jay gives them. They are practically his family - other than Kae - and he does anything and everything for them. When one of them are promoting, he puts all of his attention to it, making her jealous. Kae knows he holds her close but wishes he would give her the same kind of open attention. She doesn't get jealous of much other than when it comes to Jay. She gets slightly jealous of the girls Jay has in his music videos because they are always hanging all over him and he always touches them and stares at them. She knows they have nothing on her because she lives with him and such but she can't help but to feel jealous.
o She knows what it's like to feel lost and desperate and she doesn't want anyone else to feel that way so she always tries to egg people on and make them feel better if they're down. She constantly tries to look for the good in situations and reminds people of the good things when bad things happen. Her optomism shines through in these situations. She's always there for her friends when they are having problems. Because of her happy and optomistic attitude, it's hard for people to tell if she's upset but when she seems openly upset it's a sign that she's super upset.

IS YOUR CHARACTER OKAY WITH PARTYING?: she's perfectly comfortable with partying and clubbing as long as she has someone she knows and trusts with her. If she's upset sometimes she makes stupid decisions and decides to go out without someone she konws.

DRINKING OR SMOKING HABITS?: will drink freely if she doesn't have to worry about driving; she will drown her sorrows in alcohol; she won't smoke because she doesn't like smelling bad

~mint: the plant, the smell, and in food/drinks
~food: mint, sweets, mochi, bananas, sushi, dumplings, tomatoes, tea, soups, meat, iced coffee, tea
~colors: blues, blacks, purples
~the sound and the smell of rain
~curling up on her bed/couch and just chilling (reading, etc)
~cats and dogs
~scary movies
~video games (kingdom heards, final fantasy, devil may cry, pokemon, practically everything)
~she actually really likes kpop (esp. 2pm, Block B, and Super Junior)

~Foods: mayonaise, onions, celery
~people who take advantage of others, bullies, people who make fun of others
~people who take advantage of women

~playing basketball
~playing video games
~casually likes working out (sometimes with Jay)
~writing lyrics

~chews on her lips a lot
~she washes her hands a lot because she doesn't like germs
~she flexes her right hand/fingers when she's nervous

~Mint is a huge turn on for her
~She has a very dirty mind that most people don't know about
~She loves touching and being touched
~She rides a motorcycle
~she loves tattoos (on others + herself)
~she really admires Simon D, Dok2, Tablo, Gary, and Beenzino
~she prefers cold weather over hot wather and loves the snow + rain
~Rain puts her to sleep
~she has stress dreams about things she is worried about
~she's slightly lactose intolerant but loves dairy so she eats it anyway even though she gets stomach aches afterwards
~because of her intense love for sweets she is almost always carrying around some kind of candy - generally sour candy like gummy worms or lollipops
~when she skypes with her brother he always asks her "so are you and Jay together yet"


o Kae's parents brought her up to respect her elders and to always be kind and honest. This can be seen in the way she acts around her superiors and people she admires. She would often have to take care of her younger brother because her parents were super busy and he got sick often so she has an innate motherly instinct when around young people and sick people.
o Kae grew up with Jay as her best friend but when he left she felt kind of lost. When she realized that music was the thing that made her feel better, she decided to persue it. She ended up getting decently good at dancing, rapping, and singing (kinda like Jay) but prefers singing. 
When Jay returned in 2009, Kae had a major shock. She was 20 at this point and he was 22. The two hadn't been in as close contact because Jay was so busy as a trainee (they still texted and stuff but would rarely be able to talk). All of a sudden he was back and she couldn't believe it. When he first saw her after returning to Seattle, he was just as shocked to see how grown up she had become. (The last time they saw each other she was 15 and he was 17). She wasn't quite as shocked at Jay's appearance because she had kept up with 2pm once they had debuted.  At this point in time she had been releasing covers for 3 years and had been writing her own music for 1 year. He started asking her about things as if he had never been gone and their friendship started off right where it left off. They started hanging out a lot together and Kay even helped Jay get back on his feet after the 2pm scandal. When he started getting popular as a soloist in 2010, he decided to move back to Korea but didn't want to leave Kae again so he decided to take her with him. She went with him and began doing more Korean music than English. She already had her fans from when she was in the US but when she came to Korea with Jay she really hit it off.

Park Min | mother | 52 | living | caring, loving, doting | half caucasian on mother's side; always asks Kae if she is eating enough, sleeping enough, etc.; constantly talks about how she thinks Jay and Kae will end up together
Park Kang | father | 55 | living | awkward, smart, caring | he is slightly worried about his daughter being in Korea without her family but supports her decisions; in denial about Kae ever having Jay as a boyfriend even though his wife always talks about it
Park Tae | brother | 22 | living | curious, happy, optomistic | they have a great relationship and he really wants to come visit her in Korea; they skype often

Park Jaebum "Jay" | bestfriends | 28 | living | dorky, chill, adorable, y | they are practically in a relationship
Lee Seonghwa "Gray" | close friends | 28 | living |  steely , playful, optomistic, teasing | they met through Jay. He is her closest friend of his AOMG pals but she  hasn't really met all of them. He's one of the only people she will talk to about her relationship with Jay. He knows that the two really like each other because Jay will talk to him about his feelings too.
Lee Hana | close friends | 23 | living | dorky, sassy, erted, loud, etc. | they met through Jay when he introduced her to his friend group (applicants + boyfriends) and immediately started getting along. Kae was pretty quiet and shy initially but  Hana got her talking and she opened up quite easily to the whole group. She constantly tries to get Jay and Kae together and comments on their all the time. 


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RELATIONSHIP STATUS: close friends but not officially dating; they both like each other but Jay is pretty oblivious of her feelings towards him and she thinks he only sees her as a friend
AGE: 28

PERSONALITY: On stage Jay gives off this y, tough guy act but he's actually really dorky when you get to know him.

HOW YOU MET/WILL MEET: Jay's family and Kae's family were neighbors back in Seattle. The two have practically known each other their whole lives. They were best friends and still are. (see background)

~how they act together: The two are so close that they know pretty much know everything about each other. Kay loves how undeniably y Jay is yet how he is unbelieveably dorky as well. They get along very well and rarely seriously fight about anything. They love teasing each other about everything. Jay gets pretty possessive of Kae. Since they have been friends for so long, they are constantly touching each other. She touches his hands a lot, hugs him a lot, etc. He hangs on her a lot and gives her back hugs often (which she loves). They play video games a lot together. Kae really loves it when he complements her.
~with their friends: Jay is pretty chill and still acts possessive of Kae when he is arround her friends if he doesn't know them well (especially if they are guys) but he tones down his teasing towards Kae.
~with their friends and their boyfriends: the don't really change much about thow they act so they still tease each other constantly which pretty much leads everyone else into teasing the pair about their "relationship"

~Jay makes her very ually frustrated (especially his dancing) but since the two aren't officially dating she doesn't ever talk to him seriously about it. Sometimes he teases her about his iness but the two laugh it off even though Jay wants her to want him and she really does want him. Shereally admires his muscles (esp. abs + arms + thighs)
~Kae really likes Jay's tattoos and tends to them often
~the two share an apartment 
~She likes Jay's style, especially when he wears wifebeaters, expensive watches, earrings, and snapbacks.
~They spend nights alone watching movies on their couch. Kae often falls asleep on top of Jay.
~He was super shocked at how grown up Kae was when he returned to Seattle. He felt bad about leaving her for Korea those years ago and missed her just as much as she missed him but the two rarely talk about it, only settling with the "I really missed you" + hugging at their reunion. His first thought was how beautiful she had gotten (not that she wasn't before just more mature)
~Jay will do anything for Kae
~Jay only knows about Kae's obvious tattoos: ankle tattoos & wrist tattoo
~one of Kae's biggest fantasies is on Jay's earrings
~Kae wants a russian blue kitten or a german shephard puppy but hasn't had a real converation about it with Jay
~Jay gets all hot and bothered when Kae performs because he finds her stage presence and charisma extremely y which she fails to see but his friends can't resist to about



SINGING CLAIM: Suhyun Akdong Musician

~Cheerz - originally by Simon D
~Stalker ft. - originally by Mad Clown and Crucial Star
~Fallin' ft. Jay Park - originally by Swings and Jay
~When Where What How ft. singer OC/applicant - originally by Park Kyung and Jo Hyunah
~Hyeya - originally by Jonghyun of SHINee
~Moneyflow (Zico's part) ft. Lee Hana + OC/ applicant - originally by Zico, Paloalto, and Mino
~Take Care of You - originally by Giriboy
~Please Don't - originally by K.Will
~Come Here (Bobby or Dok2's part) ft. Lee Hana + OC/applicant - originally by Masta Wu, Bobby, and Dok2
~Eyes, Nose, Lips (Tablo ver.) ft. Jay - originally by Tablo ft. Taeyang

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~Kae admiring another rapper's tattoos (DOK2) and Jay getting jealous/possessive
~Kae showing someone else her tattoos and Jay getting jealous
~Kae walking around in one of Jay's button up shirts
~Kae stealing one of Jay's snapbacks while he is in the middle of a conversation with someone else
~Jay introducing Kae to Simon D for the first time and her freaking out
~Jay falling ill and Kae having to take care of him. He gets super touchy and flustered.
~Jay discovering Kae's tattoos for the first time
~Gray teasing Jay and Kae about how they are practically in a relationship
~Hana and Kae getting drunk and spilling secrets/their feelings to their love interests

QUESTIONS/ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW: I don't know if the style section is as in depth as you wanted ToT tell me if you want me to change it. Also tell me if you need me to add more songs :)



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