Patience, please? ;-;

Hey everybody it's yulloxo6shinee, and as you all know it has been a little while since I've updated anything, but I have my reasons! Myself, and DrDiddly have both been very busy as of late with school and such, so please bear with us! I will continue to write, and when she gets the time, will continue editing, and we will continue updating, but all we ask is maybe 2-3 weeks of wait? :D

Love Y'all



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Please well. I know how scholl is ;; _____ ;; be patient. We will wait for you ^^
Uwah, I know how school is, that's why I'm having a hard time updating and posting new fics. I hope things slow down for you soon!
Take your time hon~ I know how much school can kill you ._.
No, absolutely not. I refuse to forgive you or be patient
You are forgiven and since you asked nicely, I will wait patiently but not for long. That's the dilemma of many authors including me. The longer the fic is left un-updated, the more likely readers will forget about it. I'm worried about that too for my fic but same as you, I am busy ;(