mated's mermaid ◎ Kang Linnea

linnea sori kang。
sam ⁍ redbubblegum⁍ ACTIVITY LEVEL (8)
— selkie / yixing started calling her that after he discovered she was a mermaid, selkies are seals that transform in humans when they take off their seal skin. 
— ghost 
/ chanyeol started it since she kpet scaring everyone by appearing behind them and later everyone was using it. 

AGE 17
BIRTHDAY  12/12/1997

BIRTH PLACE  nordland, norway
HOMETOWN nordland, norway 

ETHNICITY half korean, half norwegian
— norwegian / fluent / learnt in school
— korean / fluent / learnt at home
— english 
/ fluent / learnt in school
— german 
/ conversational / learnt in school
at some point you will realize that sometimes people will stay in your heart but not in your life
imperfection is beauty。
people will stare, make it worth their while...
FACE CLAIM baek seungyeon
APPEARANCE  Linnea is a small person, she is 1.50 cm or 4'11 and weights 42 kg, Linnea is short and pale, people often say her skin looks pink. She has mid-back lenght straight blonde hair, dark blue colored eyes and small hands, Linnea also has dimples in her cheeks. Even if her body structure make her look Korean, still she has some characteristics (big blue eyes, tall nose, blonde hair) that make her look European, at first Linnea had a problem adapting because of her physical appearence. Without her necklace Linnea's hair becomes platinum blonde and her eyes become icy blue, as a mermaid Linnea is still small, all her body (except arms, shoulders, face, neck and upper chest area) is covered in royal blue scales that seem to glow underwater.

STYLE  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  or pinterest || linnea likes classy clothes and her outfits are femenine and girly, she loves adding accessories even though linnea never takes off her special necklace. linnea does her make up every morning because not only she loves make up but she loves applying it and takes time to style her hair (curly, straight, braids? there are too many options). 
looks catch the eye。
but personality captures the heart...
— The mermaid
There was a time when mermaids lived happily along the humans, they helped fishers and travelers when they got lost in the sea and loved interacting with little children, that's until one young human king wanted to have control over the ocean people and started killing those who opposed him. Scared, what was left of the mermaids decided to hide far away from the land, but the ambitious king kept searching for them, leaving the mermaids with little place to hide and almost no resources to survive. Then, one of the mermaids still alive, decided to live as a human and wanted to take her people with her but no one agreed, so she left alone, soon humans started forgetting about them until they were only myths and bed time storys. The mermaid who left the ocean is Linnea's relative, sadly mermaids are almost extinct and Linnea is the only left in the world. 

— kind, gentle, sensitive, loyal, shy, insecure, distrustful, introverted. 

As sociable as a potatoe...
Linnea has been a shy person since birth, she is awkward when interacting with new people and still feels uncomfortable when interacting with people she is not close to, let's just say Linnea can't really function near people. It is not a secret that Linnea dislikes public speaking and finds it hard to voice her opinion, most of the time in class she is silently taking notes and trying not to participate, unless the teacher calls her, Linnea won't participate at all. Even with her closest friends and her family, Linnea prefers to stay quiet and observe, she is the type of person who takes in all the details about every person or situation and tends to know about everything and everyone even if she is not noticed. It's not that Linnea dislikes people or the company, it's just that she doesn't know how to act around people, she gets nervous and then usually will act and sound rude.

Wandering child, so lost, so helpless...
The fact that her father abandoned her when Linnea was five years old deeply affected her, since young she has been insecure and has disliked her personality, making it more difficult for her to make friends. Linnea has always been insecure and quite reserved, her being always to quiet made her and easy target for bullying during elementary and middle school and her being a sensitive person didn't made it easier. It used to be bad, really bad, Linnea would return home and cry in her room because she couldn't defend herself, but her little family helped her and her few friends also helped Linnea learn to stand for herself. in time things changed and bullying stopped almost completely, Linnea started to talk a little more and she defended her self, she is still sensible and what people say about her really affects Linnea but it isn't the way it was before.

 We go together...
Linnea is a kind person even if she takes her time warming to people, she has never started a fight and prefers not to mess with people, Linnea focuses on herself and lets others be. For Linnea to open up to someone and to really trust them is hard and it takes time, Linnea usually suspects from overly friendly people and will keep her distance until she has oberved enough. Over time, she has learned to read people's actions and to see right through them knowing their true intentions, Linnea is not naive and won't easily fall for people's lies (even if she is easy to prank). Linnea cherishes those close to her, she is a loyal friend and a great listener,  sometimes Linnea would give advice but only if she is asked to (Linnea doesn't gossip), sadly Linnea still feels people will leave her, that's why she is so scared of opening to others. What she hates of first impresions is that people take her for only a pretty face and won't take her seriously, people often think she is hollow and that's why she doesn't really talk but they don't realize the anxiety Linnea can get from trying to interact with others.
A little more...
Linnea doesn't get mad easily and she never shouts at anyone (Linnea really has to be upset to shout), Linnea does cry easily with... almost everything (movies, books, music, random videos on youtube...), she loves food and open spaces (Linnea loves nature and animals). Linnea usually thins over and over what she will say (if she wants to say something) and never acts impulsively, she is gentle in everything she does because she likes being careful. 
dig a little deeper。
i live for me and no one else
Linnea's father loved to travel, he loved traveling so much that one day he just packed some clothes and bought a ticket to Europe. Geunwoo didn't care about the hardships he would have to face alone and with little money, he visited places all around Europe and got jobs that would provide him with enough money to travel to his next destiny, but he fell in love with Norway, it was cold but so beautiful that he decided to stay for some time. Soon he started renting a little house near the sea and started working for a fisherman, they didn't pay him much but it was enough for him, during one of his long walks in the beach he met a beautiful woman and instantly fell in love with her, she was sweet and misterious and in no time he proposed marriage to the stranger (Geunwoo was love). Not long after they got married the young woman got pregnant but died when her daughter was born, Geunwoo loved his girl but she looked just like his deceased wife, he couldn't see her without crying, so he decided to give his only child to a rich Korean friend that lived only with his two sons. Yeonri was a beautiful and kind woman who fell in love during her vacations with her family in Norway, soon she returned and married the man and had two sons, they had a happy family but her husband died on an accident on his boat, Yeonri had no idea of what really was going on with Geunwoo but she knew the death of his wife deeply affected him so she gladly took in the baby and treated her like her own daugther. After Geunwoo gave Linnea to Yeonri he returned to Korea and never came back.

Yeonri was the best mother Linnea could wish for, she sent her to a great school and taught her how to speak and write Korean, she paid for ballet lessons and encouraged her to learn to play instruments and to sing; what Yeonri loved the most was to hear Linnea sing. It was no secret for Linnea's adoptive family that she was a mermaid, Lilith confessed it to Yeonri personally, but it was a little weird for the mother and sons to see her with a fish tail, also having a baby try to control her water related powers wasn't pretty; Yeonri spent a lot of time changing clothes and replacing broken pieces. When Linnea was 11 Yeonri discovered she was sick and after four years of having leukemia she died, that's when Linnea decided to return to Korea and search for her father, with money Yeonri left her she bought a plane ticket to Seoul and asked her brother Kristian to acompany her. Linnea couldn't find trace of her father but she was found by the middle vampire. The vampire knew something was off with Linnea and after repeatedly following her Linnea finally explained the girl her situation, she gladly took Linnea in and started treating her like a younger sister, when Kristian was sure Linnea would be fine he returned to Norway and Linnea joined the group of girls, she loves them all but Linnea is closer to the middle vampire.  

- water control (heating and cooling water, moving water, changing water's shape).
- telekinesis.
- super speed underwater. 

-Linnea loves make up (and red lipstick).
-Favorite colors: pink and baby blue.
-Linnea loves dogs but big dogs make ner nervous.
-Linnea plays the piano and violin.
-Sleeping is difficult for her, she gets a lot of nightmares, usually she paints or draws them. 
-Hobbies: singing, dancing ballet, watching musical movies, reading, swimming, ice skating.
-Linnea loves painting and drawing, she is really good at it.
-Even if she is good Linnea doesn't really like sports (only swimming).
-Linnea loves everything related to Disney.
-Linnea sleep walks and sometimes wakes up in weird places.
-Fears: tarantulas, heights, clowns, darkness.
-Likes: coffee, ice cream, bubble tea, sweets and candies, snow, kids.
-Linnea is a soprano.
-Dislikes: beetroot, snakes, insects.
-Opera: believe it or not, linnea likes it.
-Linnea is not vegetarian but she doesn't eat much meat. 
-Climate: likes windy and rainy days, hates tunderstorms and really hot climate.
-Allergic to: peaches.
-Linnea loves interacting with little children.
-Movies: mistery, drama, romance.
-Linnea developed a strange fear of chanyeol and his creepy smile.
-Broadway: linnea loves musical movies and musical theatre.
-Linnea has a book full of drawings and songs she has written.
-The only thing her mother left for her is a necklace [1 . 2]
never forget。
father / kang, geun woo / 37 / passionate, sensitive, outgoing, hard working.
linnea remembers very little of her father but she misses him a lot. 
— mother / jonassen, lilith / died at age 18 / romantic, sweet, dreamer, innocent.
lilith died when linnea was born so she knows nothing about her mother, linnea only owns one picture of her but she has no clue about her mother's personality.
FRIENDS  her only friends are the other girls in the story. 
-The werewolf: Linnea admires her and really looks up to her, she is amazing as a leader and really makes Linnea feel protected and calm. 
-The eldest vampire: Linnea jus says yes to whatever she says but doesn't really takes to heart what the vampire says. 
-The middle vampire: Linnea trusts her the most, she makes Linnea feel at ease and relaxed, Linnea is the closest to her.
-The water mage: Linnea likes to be with her because she doesn't feel pressured to talk or act certain way, they both can read or watch a movie and things won't go unexpected.
-The fire mage: Linnea is quite intimidated by her and avoids her whenever she is angry, still the fire mage makes Linnea want to try new things and feel more confident. 
-The time traveler: Linnea is curious about everything related to her, she tends to ask the girl questions until the time traveler feels unfomfortable. 
-The genie: Linnea sympathises with the genie because the is girl sometimes too gullible, if Linnea can she will clarify things to the genie. 
-The witch: Linnea really likes her because she is also a quiet person, they have a special way of communicating without words. 
-The shapeshifter: The girl can sometimes annoy Linnea just because she can't stand being pranked (Linnea is an easy target), on the bright side the shapeshifter never fails to make her smile. 
-The youngest vampire: Linnea doesn't understand where does she get all her energy and how can she be all hyperactive, the vampire can sometimes be too much for her.
-The fallen angel: Linnea likes her because she is nice, she is also quite curious of the angel's past but doesn't really ask anything. 

OTHERS  Linnea has two older adoptive brothers (Kristian: 27 and Anthony: 29) but they are not important for the story
adoptive mother / moon, yeonri / died at age 49 / independent, kind, funny, loving.
yeonri traveled to norway with her family and decided to stay there because she fell in love with a young fisherman, they married and lived happily until he died on an accident yeonri was like a mother to linnea, she was understanding and cared a lot for her, linnea misses her a lot and cries every time she thinks of her. 

— the only boy she is comfortable with / zhang, yixing / 18 / silent, kind, smart, easily distracted.
the fact that linnea is not sociable it's not a secret, what is strange is that she has liked yixing since the first time linnea saw him, he has some calming effect on her and strangely linnea looks forward to talking to yixing (linnea doesn't talk much).  
kyungsoo, yixing, suho. 
— deer / chanyol loves giving people nicknames, he thinks luhan looks like a deer so he started calling him that. 
— prince luhan / girls started calling luhan a prince but soon even teachers were using that nickname. 

— charming, smart, outgoing, short tempered, mature, passionate. 

Being left alone when he was young and on a country where he didn't have family made Luhan grew up, his parents and unborn sister were killed by a pack of wolves when he was eleven, Luhan had been bitten and left alone to die but a pack soon found him and made Luhan their newest member. On the outside people see Luhan as a bright and cheerful person, he is always happy, tries to be, but the events of his childhood has prevented him from trying to find a mate. Luhan is scared of loosing his mate like he lost his family, that's why he is selective with his friends. For other he is just a pretty face, probably hollow but people do not care because he was the looks to make up for all his mistakes, sadly only his pack mates care enough to look beyond his "pretty face" and the only ones to know he is actually really smart and far from perfect.

Luhan is handsome, everyone knows that, he is also charming, funny and outgoing, atletic and popular; every girl's dream, and Luhan knows it too, that's why he uses it for his advantage. Getting girls has never been difficult for him and he dislikes the idea of being tied to just one person, he is the biggest player around and he isn't scared to admit it, Luhan is often found breaking hearts and flirting with every student he can. Luhan has commitment issues and because he dislikes the idea of it he has never had a girlfriend, he actually couldn't accept the fact that Linnea was his mate. 

Luhan is passionate with everything he does, he is hard working and dislikes failing to others and to himself, Luhan is a stubborn person and won't easily change his mind, he is also short tempered and gets angry easily. Luhan is a jelous person and can sometimes be possesive, he hardly shows his real emotions and won't cry in front of others because he doesn't want to be seen as weak. He is a good friend and will stend for those who are close to him, Luhan can be impulsive ho he often gets in problem but he is also brave and he has no problem stating his opinion, he sometimes hurts other without wanting to because he has no filters between his mind and his mouth. 

-hobbies: playing sports, dancing, singing, flirting, pranking others, solving his rubiks cube, playing video games.
-likes: scary movies, big dogs, chocolate, sunny days, soccer, music, kids.
-fears: heights, swimming in the ocean.
-dislikes; bugs, injustice, bullying, cooking, loud girls, being told what to do.
-He is lazy and dislikes studing, still he has perfect grades.
-luhan secretly dreams of having kids. 
-luhan's wolf form * 
-luhan moved to korea when he was 7 years old.
-luhan sleeptalks in chinese.
-Blood type: O
-Favorite color: white
-luhan loves soccer and bubble tea. 
don't judge a book by its cover 
soul(mate) searching。
FIRST MEETING as always, luhan could be found flirting around the school waiting for lessons to start, his target for today was a pretty sophomore with long hair and big eyes. Everything was going fine (not really), the girl was unfomfortable and her eyes kept searching for someone to save her...the problem was that it was still early. linnea was walking in the direction of her locker but stopped when she saw a with a youger female who looked like she wanted to melt and scape crawling from the older male who kept trying to hit on her. Silently she made her way to the students and interrupted the older one mid sentence, it may sound cliche but when he looked at her she could almost see fireworks, he was extremely handsome even if he looked annoyed. luhan started flirting with her, linnea was still in shock and didn't know what to do so she reacted a little bit rude.
"Excuse me" linnea touched luhan's schoulder sligthly. "What?" the male turned around looking annoyed, as soon as she could, the other girl run away. luhan eyed the mermaid carefully and smirked. 
"Did it hurt?" he paused and linnea almost sighed. "When you fell from heaven" 
"It will hurt if you don't move away from my locker" shocked, luhan moved and linnea opened her locker. 

RELATIONSHIP because luhan finds linnea really beautiful he tried flirting with her but later he didn't really care for her. he still founds her extremely pretty but he didn't really liked her personality, luhan isn't the type to stay commited so he kept doing his business until he started to avoid her. for linnea it was love at first sight, she fell for luhan...and she fell hard, the only problem was that linnea had never liked someone and let's not talk about love. sure, she did love her adoptive family and her real family, but she was totally clueless when it came to romantic relationships. luhan had to stop avoiding linnea out because of the relationship between his pack and her group of friends but luhan didn't care and she kept getting hurt because of luhan's actions, they hardly interact unless needed because linnea doesn't talk and luhan is to extroverted to notice the girl they call ghost. what kept bothering linnea was that weird tension in the air whenever they had to interact or when they were alone in the same room, linnea is not dumb so she knew something was off...the problem was that she didn't knew what. luhan can be slow and since he had never experienced something like that he took some time to realize his atraction towards linnea, he suspected it and when he realized it was true he tryied to run away from it; the fact that linnea was his mate. 

CONCLUSION luhan accepts the fact that he found his mate and starts trying to court her but he is new in the relationship world so he asks his pack for help. 
last call。

SCENE SUGGESTIONS having the leader teach someone in the group to drive, everyone going ice skating, having a surprise party for the witch (she gets angry but secretly loves it). 

PASSWORD supernatural 


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