Overview of stories

So. First blog post and hello to anyone reading this (: Gonna give a heads up on the stories I'm currently working on... Or not- since I'm pretty much on hiatus now. I just have too many stories I'd really love to share, since the ideas and drafts are already flooding my notebooks.

There are basically two (long) series but fret not, readers do not have to read each and every one of them to understand the stories- unless you want to have a deeper understanding of the characters.

The first series stars, in chronological order of occurrence: Yifan (Kris), Sehun, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Chunji. Just a hint- the main focus/theme is more of celebrity lifestyles.

My second series has, in chronological order again: Luhan, L.Joe, CAP, Chunji, Niel and Kai as leads in their individual stories. This series offers a darker setting- I'm focusing more about identity and mental struggle.

By the way, these two series have no relation to each other. I'm considering to add another fantasy series but I gotta tell myself to STOP cuz there are already way too many stories above which I have to work on- after my hiatus.


So. Have a brilliant day to whoever's reading this ^^ And hopefully you guys could look forward to my upcoming works!




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