ADMIROR. CYN. 9/10. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
min honggi
"i really think you should love me with all of your heart because i'm just so lovely. "
HONKEY DONKEY/ HONGBONG + there's really no explanation lmao. it's just a funnier way to say his name.
GI-AH + simply a shorter way to say his name.  
UALITY — straight even though bromance is life
DOB + AGE — 101393 + 22
BIRTHPLACE — seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN — seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY — korean
 KOREAN + native and fluent
•  ENGLISH + advanced because he went to college abroad in new york.  
WHO'S THAT HOTTIE honggi is probably one of the tallest guys you'd ever meet.  he literally towers over people with his 180 cm tall height with the weight of 65 kg.  most of his weight is from his height since he's pretty skinny and he has the body of a board.  he has no muscles whatsoever and he has no abs whatsoever.  honggi has light brown hair with a layer of bangs over his forehead. he likes to keep his hair in a good condition and it's always soft and silky under a person's finger tips.   
OTHER — honggi has a really long neck and the sun kissed him more than others so his skin is pretty tanned.  if you're a ert, he also has a really well shaped and round . he has a small scar on his knee from falling off his bike when he was a child.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 180 cm & 65 kg
• honggi's style is pretty simple and classy.  he likes his dress shirts/button ups, long pants and a pair of sneakers. during the winter though is where he would wear sweaters and beanies. 
PERSONALITY TRAITS — expressive, warmhearted, meticulous, bold, sassy, can't shut his trap, clingy, overprotective, a little insecure
BOLD, METICULOUS, WARMHEARTED // min honggi is one with a warm and comfortable smile that would automatically make people want to befriend him.  his angelic face and warm smile literally makes people melt like a popsicle would in an extremely hot day.  he's easily approachable and he's always seen with a smile on his face.  the littlest things can make him laugh and the littlest things can make him smile.  honggi is not only a very warm person, but he's also very bold and meticulous.  he's willing to take risks and take on challenges. he's daring and if anything happens for his actions, he's willing to accept the consequences.  being super confident about his choices and decisions, there's no reason for him to back down from it especially since he's so careful and so precise over the things he does.  he rarely makes mistakes and he's always double checking or even quadruple checking things just to make sure they're all set to go.  you can simply tell by the way he dresses and the way his hair is like everyday and the way he writes his journals.  his clothes are all neatly ironed and buttoned up correctly with the collar evened out.  his journals are detailed, precise and interesting to read.
• EXPRESSIVE, CAN'T SHUT HIS TRAP, CLINGY // now we all know how comfortable honggi gets with people.  but sometimes he gets a little too comfortable and even within day 1 of knowing you, he'd be the type of person to throw his arms around you and the skinship just doesn't stop.  sometimes, this makes people feel awkward and creeped out and some might even distance themselves from him because he's too much to handle.  if you hear a voice constantly going off, it's honggi.  he never stops talking and he always has something to say.  it can be something that happened 5 years ago and he'd be the type of person to bring it back up and talk about it.  his trap is always running and even if you decide to ignore him or not reply to him, he would still continue to talk. most of his friends tell him to shut his trap but he doesn't really care and he decides to run it anyways. honestly, if he was still in high school or something - honggi would be the one visiting the principal's office 24/7 for his interruptions and way of distracting the others in the classroom.  
• SASSY, OVER PROTECTIVE, A LITTLE INSECURE // honggi is also the sassy type.  if you ever say something to him, he always has a comeback.  and sometimes, he leaves his opponent a little speechless.  sassiness is like his second language and super fluent at it.  to those who are close to him thinks his sass is funny and entertaining.  but to those who don't know him too well often finds his sass a little mean.  but honestly, most of the time he's joking around and he's just being a doofus and a nincompoop.  honggi is the type of person to care about everyone that approaches him.  even if you know him for only 5 minutes and you tell him that you didn't eat breakfast, he would go all out in telling you to do this and do that.  and that if you don't eat, the stomach eats itself and you would then evaporate into the air like glitter that people use on their art projects for them to get an a+ at.  he's also the type of person to literally scream "car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" whenever there's a car coming as you're crossing the street.  if anything, he'd be your knight in shining armor and throw himself at you and start rolling so the two of you can reach the otherside of the sidewalk safely.  finally - although, honggi comes off as confident over every little thing he does.  he's a little insecure on the inside.  why?  he's insecure over his skin color.  when he was younger, a lot of people made fun of him for this and joked around with this topic.  because according to korean standards, milky white is the thing.  
PATIENT AND NURSE // the two people who created honggi was min jinho and bae hyojin.  it all started with jinho's breakup with his ex-girlfriend.  due to sadness, he started drinking that night and upon recklessness he got into his car and started driving.  as expected, he crashed his car and he was immediately sent to the emergency room at a nearby hospital.  the moment he woke up, he saw a nurse standing in front of him.  the nurse's name tag read bae hyojin and throughout jinho's stay in the hospital, hyojin took care of him with all of her heart. within this period of time, his wounds including the wounds in his heart have slowly started to heal.  eventually, the two started to see each other and not long later - the two decided to get married and within a short period of time after their marriage, they created their one and only child, min honggi.
FALLING OFF TREES LIKE NO TOMORROW // honggi grew up like any either kid in seoul with lovely parents.  he grew up playing with the kids in the same apartment building and he was always the one who climbed trees and biked down slope.  even though he always talked in class and got in trouble for interrupting, he was a pretty decent kid with a good amount of iq.  he was actually pretty smart and most of his grades ranged from a's to b's.  his parents also gave him all the support he needed and love he needed.  honggi received enough parental love and parental care and his grades were great.  but the only issue he had about school was the fact that many of his classmates made fun of him for his not so white milky skin.  but hey, can't be helped if the sun had a super duper crush on honggi and decided to kiss him more than anyone else.
FAST FORWARD //   because honggi couldn't handle getting made fun of anymore, he decided to go to college abroad.  going to college abroad was literally one of the best choices he made in his life.  although he started off with a language barrier, he met amazing people and no one mentioned anything about the sun's crush for him.  he even had a girlfriend during the third year of college and although, they broke up towards the beginning of senior year - their breakup was a breakup agreed from both sides of the relationship.  honggi doubled majored in english and journalism.  he graduated college within 4 years and headed back to korea.
CAREER  //  after four years of double majoring, honggi finally made it back to korea with a bachelor's degree in journalism and english.  taking a year break, he finally decided to go out to search for a job. he currently works in heart!works as a journalist, writing articles and posting them.  
DAILY THING //  honggi currently still lives with his parents.  yeah - it's kind of weird for a 22 year old male to be still living with his parents but don't question it and let it go as elsa says. ayee # but really though, his parents don't want him living somewhere else when there's already a place for him.  and since he's their only son, he doesn't want to let him go yet since they've already let him go for 4 years to study abroad in new york. they want to see their baby boy everyday, awww. #honggi'sface.  but as for his daily schedule, he would pick out his clothes the night before and leave it out on his table.  the morning of, he would wake up at around 8.  he doesn't really need to set an alarm clock because for some reason, his body is motored to wake up at the time and at that time only.  after waking up, he would take his clothes into the bathroom and do his business. he doesn't take morning showers because he takes them at night when he comes back from work.  after all is ready, he grabs his stuff and heads for the kitchen.  making himself a sandwich and pouring himself a glass of orange or apple juice, he finishes and finally makes his way out the door.

• MOM - bae hyojin (45) - nurse - sweet, supportive, caring, careful 
• DAD - min jinho (47) - computer technician - thoughtful, diligent, dedicated
honggi's relationship with his parents are literally number one.  he's literally mama's and papa's boy and because he's their only child - his parents literally try to provide him with whatever he needs as long as it's not harmful or dangerous.  they support him all the way even till this day, they refuse to let him live alone.  because to them, he's still their baby boy.

• EX GIRLFRIEND - yoon somi (21) - author - sassy, straightforward, humerous, genuine - honggi and somi haven't seen each other ever since honggi's graduation.  it makes it even harder since one is in korea and one is in new york.  but they still email each other every now and then because no one wants to pay for text messages and calling fees when they can email for free like duh.  you can use that money for food and nice looking boxers.  

• BESTIES - han jongki (22) - works at starbucks - sociable, friendly, goofy, innocent - the two have lived in the same building since 1993.  they're the ones that always climb trees together, roll down hills of grass together, eat together - etc.  it's like they need to be on we got married or something because their bromance is real. but there are also these moments where jongki is 99% done with honggi's and he playfully ignores him.  but after a few hugs and nudges, jongki responds to him again.
• if you notice, his lips are always glossy like he just stuffed his mouth with a piece of chicken , that's because he has an addiction to using chap stick like 12893123 times a day. dayum, all that collagen.
• serious phobia of needle shots like no omg.  never tell him to go for a blood test or a vaccine, he will drown you with his tears.
• feed him with a bowl of noodles and he's yours for the day.
• really enjoys listening to kpop and is a huge fanboy of 2ne1 noonas and big bang hyungs.
• can't rap, can't do tounge twisters to save his life.
• surprisingly, he can cook and he cooks pretty good.  so don't worry about burnt down kitchens.
• his password for his twitter account is ilikebutts08.

• spends most of his money on food and calvin klein boxers.
• chronic selca taker.

PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF BRIEFLY. — i am the love of your life and the only one you should love, min honggi. 
WHAT POSITION IN THE COMPANY WOULD YOU LIKE TO APPLY FOR? — please let me the journalist.  i like writing and i like writing love confessions - i mean articles.  i've double majored in english and journalism so hire me jsy because i'm just so skillful.
HOW DID YOU GET TO KNOW ABOUT HEART!WORKS? —  is there anything i don't know? duh hell woman.  i found out from jongki though.  he saw seomin and jaegun in there one day and as he was handing them their drinks - he also saw the papers on their table.  it said heart!works and ayeee.
WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK IN HEART? —  because heart. hearts.  love.  love in the air.  as a senpai, i want to be able to shower you all with love and smooches. but really though - i think heart has a really cute concept and it was something jongki told me about so why not try it out.  my bff wouldn't harm me, right?  i mean - it's not like he didn't cause me to fall off the tree a few years back but still.
WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO HEART? — well, i majored in both english and journalism.  and i'm super meticulous. now luv mi. 
WHAT PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE DO YOU HAVE? — part time reason why people's hearts go doki doki and part time senpai.  you?  other than that, nothing really.
DO YOU LIKE SEOMIN OR JAEGUN MORE? —  how to answer this 101.  they are both lovely !!
ALSO NICE JACKET WHERE DID YOU BUY IT FROM? —  you like it?  jongki got it for me for my 21st birthday.  
GENDER — female
• bashful but super goofy when opened up, cheerful, cordial, chilidish, immature
RING RING RING it all started when honggi finally had the time to visit his one and only bff at starbucks.  it was early in the morning and the store hasn't even opened yet but with special treatment from jongki, he was able to go in and enjoy a good cup of frap while he admires his bff from afar.  it didn't take long for the clock to finally reach opening time and the first customer to walk in was jimin.  the bells on top of the door rang and honggi's eyes shot up.  it was too early for such a beautiful sight but he found himself to be staring at an angel and it was love at first sight.  honggi immediately got up and greeted her with a warm smile.  jimin was a bit hesitant at first due to her shyness but she greeted him back.  while jongki was in the back using the bathroom, honggi stole his starbucks apron and went ahead to taking jimin's order.  yes, honggi is just that skilled that he even knows how to make starbucks drinks. aye who da 21st century's einstein !!?!?! HONGGI. not really though - if jongki never let taught him or let him in on some tips, he would've never known.  
• JONGKI: I THOUGHT YOU WERE HERE TO SEE ME WHAT A GREAT BFF YOU ARE. it was then that honggi found out about jimin's occupation.  she was working on becoming a model for ygkplus. and that she was a frequent starbucks customer who often ordered a vanilla bean frappucino.  honggi would then try to go into starbucks whenever possible and "visit his bff." ahem see jimin ahem.  it didn't take long for the two to click.  due to honggi's personality, jimin felt comfortable and she also opened up.  getting rid of her shyness and getting all goofy with him. they exchanged phone numbers after a bit and they eventually started texting each other.  they would text each other whenever possible and try to grab each others attention.  they also created nicknames for each other where jimin's called jiman and honggi's called honkey donkey.  honggi would try to show some skinship towards her but she gets easily flusterred and to honggi, it's super duper cute.  like what was she her past life.  choco cat? LIKE STOP JIMIN 2K15.  jimin denies her love for honggi all the time but it's quite obvious that she shares the same feelings. honggi even wrote an article dedicated to her only, introducing the new ygkpls model that featured as a cameo in a recent drama along with nam joohyuk as well as interviewing her personally.

RELATIONSHIP —some type of skinship even though jimin gets flusterred and tries to playfully push him away bc ugh !!!!! how to deal 101.
STATUS — single wingle mingle pringle ningle
i am finally done like jesus. but i had so much fun doing this omg !!!! ily too okay you're precious for making this it's super cute.
• seomin stuffs a chicken wing into honggi's mouth when he opened his mouth during a party.
• going to the amusement park together !!!!! blackout at the headquarters.
• honggi dying when he gets to go to a yg concert.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc


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