TK Entertainment Application Form ^^



Full Name: Rissa

Faceclaim: Haneul (Ulzzang)

Languages you can speak: Korean, English, and Indonesian

How many times are you active on AFF a week?: Everyday

What is your time zone?: GMT +7

When were you born?: August 11th, 1998

Why do you want to join? Also, what groups do you want to join in the entertainment? (Quality over Quantity): I do love singing and covering Korean songs but I don't really know about the vocal techniques and how to sing well, so I hope I will get a lot of new lessons and experiences by applying as a trainee in TK Entertainment. I want to be in Melody and Harmony because I actually like the chosen songs and I think my voice will fit to the songs ^^

What position do you prefer?: Vocalist
Can you harmonize?: Not really.
Do you personally think that you can rap and sing?: Yes
Are you confident?: Yes. I will try and work hard! ^^
What songs do you want to sing to at this entertainment?: Every Apink, BEAST, and SECRET songs, April - Dream Candy, and LOVELYZ - Hi ^^bb
Stage Name?: Zine
Info about yourself?: Be careful, I'm a byuntae lol xD
What are you favorite kpop groups?: BEAST, SECRET <3
Line Account: ytsenizor
Kakaotalk Account: -
Your audition link(s):
Final words?: Thank you for giving me an opportunity to join this entertainment. I hope I will be accepted as a trainee here. I will do well and let's stay together and forever ^^bb <3 TK Entertainment, fighting!!


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