I usually don't do blogs but...

Have you ever been reading a story and your like "! This is awesome!" and you wait for an update and everything but then like two months go by and your like 'Author-Nim, don't do this to me! Baby, I love you (Cat in the Hat reference intended)."? That's me. Right now. Allow me to excuse myself to go die of heartache.

_/( TTT^TTT)\_



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Ouch....this is kinda like me right now, but on the other side of the situation -- I'm one of those authors who "accidentally" left some of my readers hanging when things seem to be going well. T_____T I wish I can spit out the entire story now, but so much distractions la (some important & some not-so-important distractions) T____T *sigh* going back to writing at snail mail pace.