Lady Avengers。— Blackburn, Hayley { The Heroic }

  Hayley Blackburn。
   Elene Kurrokochi5
— Ley / A common nickname used by the few friends she has.
— Monster / A nickname Hayley has not heard in a long time, that was only used by her father.
AGE 22
BIRTHDAY March 1, 1993

BIRTH PLACE London, England
HOMETOWN New York City, New York

— English / Native / Born in England she knows the language very well
— Russian / Fluent / She had a Russian friend who she met in primary school and studied with through middle and high school.
— French / Fluent / She studied this language at school.
— German / Conversational / She also studied this language at school, but was lazy and realized she did not have a knack for it.
— Korean / Conversational / She is not very good at pronounciation, but understands the language very well.
Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strenght to endure a difficult one
  i'm not a beauty queen. I 'm just beautiful me。 
   people are going to stare. make it worth their wonder...

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FACE CLAIM Cara Delevingne


BACK UP FACE CLAIM Lindsay Ellingson

APPEARANCE Dirty blond hair that reaches down to her elbows, She has smooth, white skin, green eyes. She is 170 cms tall and weighs 47 kgs. She has the word Monster burned out on her neck, that runs down har spine. She also has a few tattos including a lion tattoo on her finger and and a tattoo on her foot that says "made in england".

STYLE  Hayley has always been a tomboy. She wears comfortable, but also very good looking clothes. Even though she values comfort, she does not fear wearing fancy dresses and high heels. she mostly likes beanies, military boots and keds. also she wears gloves if the lady avengers are not on a mission or in a fight. (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)

LADY AVENGERS COSTUME ♡ Hayley wears a costume that fits the body well and is easy to move in. something like this, without the head piece and the white design lines, also instead of knee high boots she would wear black combat boots. 

auty begins the moment you decide to be yourself。 
   be who you are, not who the world wants youto be...


— Observing
— Quiet
— Manipulative
— Calm
— Bossy
— Controling
— Highly organized
— Independent
— Cold
— Caring
— Stubborn
— Angry

 " I've been told, that I should talk more. so I'm trying to" Hayley likes to observe and stay silent. She learns a lot about others this way. She has always been quiet, but never shy. She also has a very quiet voice, but it carries a weight and always seems to make people listen. People around her have probably never heard her shout or scream and that only intensifies the weight of her words. She always means what she says and never makes empty promises. Hayley values her friends greatly and would postpone anything if they ever needed her. She likes to listen to people and give advice.

" You will listen to every word I say and do exactly as you've been told" Hayley's voice is always calm and never exceeds a certain tone. She does not need to raise her voice to make people listen and obey. She was born with natural leadership qualities and loves to use them. She was always the leader, be it school projects or life and death matters. When one listens to her, they naturally feel the need to listen and obey. She never says something stupid and is almost always right. She likes to control every bit of her life and hates feeling powerless. If something has to be done it might as well be done the way she likes it.

" Who gave you the right to walk into my room and mess things up?" Hayley is higly organized and likes to keep thing in certain order, that might not appeal to some people. She is mostly calm about it, would make sure that the person felt guilty is they ever messed up anything, that she had cleaned. She is very independent and does not like to rely on others. She has lived alone, ever since she went to college and had always looked after things in her home. She is a good cook, but only cooks food she likes.

" This is just the tip of the iceberg, darling"  People think of Hayley as a cold person, even though she does not agree with it at all. She might seem cold if one does not know her well. Hayley has this aura that makes people think she is not to be approached, but she welcomes people open mindedly, though not with a smile. If one has managed to enter her heart, her image turns into one of a caring mother. She likes taking care of others and feels happy when people dear to her do.  She has a tendency to put her needs aside if others need help and it is a habit she can never outgrow.

" Your words don't hold influence over me" Hayley is a one stubborn lady. She does not let anyone take control of her actions. She may consider other people's words and advice, but only if they make sense to her. She refuses to deal with anyone who desires to control her and usually just shuts them up with harsh words. She is somewhat immature in these kinds of situations, but is very mature otherwise. She does not expect anything from others, except respecting her privacy, her decision and honesty.



— Snakes
— Stuffed toys
— Hot chocolate
— Music
— Literature and Libraries
— Occult studies
— Winter
— Edgar Allan Poe
— Ignorance
— Feeling powerless
— nosy people
— Arrogance
— chick flicks
— Meat, fish or any kind of animal food.

— fixing anything that seems out of order to her
— playing with the hem of her glove
— laughing whenever someone shows her their pinky finger.
— Making no sound while laughing
— Taxidermy
— Reading
— Working Out. especially yoga.
— listening to music
— any type of dance.
— Heights
— fear of bringing death to people she loves
— living forever.

Her favorite literature genre is horror.

— She values her sleep

— She has her everyday life vaguely planned out in her mind and she never misses any of the points in that plan.

— Sometimes she can't help gazing at the stars wondering why fate had damned her.

— Her skin is perfect. She takes very good care of her appearance, even though she does not like to dress up.

— Her favorite color is green. The kind of green, that woods carry.

— She prefers mountains to the beach.

— She almost never feels cold, but dresses accordingly.

— She passed her driving license test with ease.

— She is very good at dancing. any type of dancing.

— She enjoys playing instruments and is exceptionally good at playing piano, guitar and drums.

— She never drinks, but if she did she would get drunk as soon as a drop of alcohol passed her lips.

— Loves watching Korean action movies.

— has Eidetic memory.

  you were born to be real, not perfect。
   stars can't shine without darkness...

PAST Hayley's fate was decided even before she was born. The hospital, her mother used to visit, was conducting experiments on pregnant women and Hayley's mother was one of them. Hayley was the opnly baby that survived and served as a somewhat successful result. The minute she was pushed out of her mother's womb, the woman died. It was not surprising as the woman had a problematic pregnancy and health overall. But when the nurse, whose face Hayley had touched, fell lifeless on the floor her powers came to light. The hospital tried to hide those powers and lied to her father, telling him that she had to wear gloves at all times due to a very rare skin desease, that had only spread to her hands so far.

Her Father only realized the fact, that Hayley had those powers when he bought her a puppy and the puppy dies right in front of him form just a touch of her fingertips. After a period of time he had decided that he needed to take her away from the city and the hospital. The father and daughter moved to a small village in Ireland, where no one knew what Hayley could do.

Hayley's father was a Taxidermist and had started to teach her all about it from the young age of 9. He was a calm man, but the fear and hate were eating away at him and he soon turned from a loving father into a violent abuser. He had resorted to drinking, thinking that in a drunken state he would think less about how his own daughter had killed the love of his life, but his drinking only worsened his state. In an attempt to escape him, Hayley started going out with friends more and attended more classes than was neccessary.

She first started learning martial arts when she was 14. She had chosen to attend the classes of a local trainer, who played a big role into shaping her personality. He became a new father figure for her and taught her the ways of life. He taught her how to differentiate right from wrong, good from bad. Even though she had learnt fighting very well she never raised a hand against her father and resisted the desire to end his life as painlessly as her mother's. She loved her father deeply and never hated him, but his harsh words were never forgotten.

When she was 17 she had recieved the monstrous scar from the person she loved the most. It was her father's birthday and she had decided to bake him a cake and make delicious food. She wanted to make him realize that she was not as bad as he thought. She dreamt of a happy reaction, but instead her father got so angry he decided that it was time to teach her a very harsh lesson. The violent and angry man hit her relentlessly and when he reached the peak of his anger he burned out the word 'monster' on her back. As soon as the anger subsided, he felt immense regret, but the deed was done and the damage had been done. After that night he told her that he loved her everyday, but the words never registered into Hayley's mind.

She moved out as soon as she graduated from school and traveled to the United States, where she studied psychology and literature.

PRESENT Hayley has graduated and has chosen the occupation of a writer, but also works part time in a book store she fancies. She also does volunteer work in different homeless shelters. She frequently visits the gym and sometimes drops by the nearest gun range to her small apartment. Her life is as controled as it can ever be and she loves it, but is secretly waiting for a dramatic change to happen.


Father/ Blackburn. David / 43 / Violent, Emotional, impulsive.
David still lives in ireland and still does Taxidermy for a living. He is a lonely man, that calls his daughter every birthday, holiday and whenever he finds an excuse to do so. Unlike him, Hayley only sends gifts and congratulary cards. She avoids talking to him, but somehow feels happy when he calls her. Their relationship is nowhere near close, but things have gotten better after she moved out.
— Mother / Blackburn, Vera / deceased / calm, quiet, nice
Hayley never got the chance to know the person called Vera. She was suppossed to be the closest person to Haeley, but Hayley had killed her and there was no turning back. From what she had heard, from her father in her younger years, that her mother was a very kind woman and loved helping others. other than that she has no clue as to what Vera might have been like.
best friend / Montgomery, Cody / 23 / Cheerful, sassy, serious
Cody Montgomery is the only person that Hayley would trust with everything. He knows all her secrets, including the one about her powers and he chooses to loves her no matter what. Even though her powers are fearful and he is cautious around it, he trusts that Hayley will not hurt him. They are very close and share everything with eachother. Cody had even asked her to pretend to be his girlfriend just to prove to his very old fashioned family that he was straight. that did not end that well though.


            — Mentor / Doyle, Mark / 56 / Strict, Serious, Straightforward
                Mark Doyle was the father figure that had taught hayley everything she needed to know about life. He was the mentor no one could replac. They were very close at the time of her adolescence, but they grew apart as time passed.

  throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack。
   I'm capable of doing anything...

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CODE NAME  Heriotza (death in the language Basque)
POWER/ABILITIES Hayley excels in hand to hand combat, but also has a set of powers.

" Oh please, You'll see I'm stronger" Super stenght is one of her main powers and she uses it well. She finds it very appealing and uses it daily. She likes to move the furniture in her apartment to make it look refreshing and the super strenght only makes it easier for her. She can lift anything from a feather to a battle tank. She is pretty sure she would be able to move building as well, but she has not tried yet.

" I'll catch you" Speed is also one of her very convenient powers, which she also uses very often. She likes fast runs through the nearest forests and also enjoys hunting small animals with her bare hands. she uses the animals for her Taxidermy and has her apartment filled with the stuffed animals she made. She has not tested the limits of her speed and is somewhat afraid of trying to. She enjoys the feeling of the wind hitting her face as she runs through the forest and enjoys this power very much.

" I feel the freedom in the air" Hayley tries to use the power to fly as rarely as she can. She would not want to be noticed by the people around. Though she occasionally uses her power to catch birds that she also uses for her taxidermy. She likes flying as much, if not more, as running. She feels so free and weightless. The way goosebumps run down her body just at the thought of it are proof enough of her love.

" I'm sorry " She says these words everytime she uses this power, that she has no control over. Just the touch of her hands and anyone would die. the power that consumes her hands, from her wrists to her fingertips. She hates it, but realizes that it is a part of her. A part she can not deny. The way it works is simple. She touches, they die.

Eidetic Memory : Hayley has Eidetic memory, which means that she can remember images, sounds and objects perfectly after briefly seeing them. this ability has aided her in her studies very well and she passed through school and university with perfect scores. but this ability also has the downside of remembering every instant of the horrible upbringing of hers perfectly.

Planning : This comes easily to her. She makes near to perfect plans and is always open for ideas to fill in the blanks. but these ideas have to match her harsh standarts. After all she is a perfectionist.

LADY AVENGERS Hayley was recruited when one of the lady avengers noticed her fly after a bird that had managed to slip through her gloved fingers.

OCCUPATION Hayley is an aspiring writer, but other than that she works at a very lovely bookstore in brooklyn. She is also a very enthusiastic volunteer.

 Loki laufeyson。


— Rock of ages / This was Tony starks nickname for Loki. The main reason was the way Loki looks.

PERSONALITY Mischievous, Sarcastic, Understanding, Thoughtful, Manipulative, farseeing, Intellectual, pitiless, obstinate, cunning, but most of all caring.
I am loki of asgard and I am burdened with glorious Purpose
  you were made for me。
   what i have with you, i don't want with anyone else...


FIRST MEETING Hayley first met Loki when the original Avengers had brought him in to the headquarters for a questioning. It is a brief moment of eye contact, but Hayley already feels the deep connection between them. Something tells her that he is the one person to understand her. After that moment she had not really thought about seeing Loki at all, until she was asked to keep Loki company in the interrogation room. She later finds out that it was Loki's request and The S.H.I.E.L.D thought it would a good way to test her social abilities.
RELATIONSHIP Over time Loki and Hayley develop a ver close friendship. Even though none of them expresses their care and love for the other, they could never deny the connection between them. After making a deal with Nick Fury Loki also teaches the Lady avengers a few things about illusionary magic. That factor also has a very important role in their relationship. Even though at first Loki tries to deny the connection and scare Hayley away it never works. After some time Loki gets used to her and they form a silent but deep, strong friendship that slowly turns into more.

CONCLUSION Their relationship is complicated. He is a prisoner and She is a Lady Avenger. Their both realize that the other loves them and also share a few physically intimate moments, but They try to keep things as platonic as they can.
  I'm off to save the world。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS I hope you like this hehe.. also sorry I changed the proportions for one of the pics... I just really wanted that gif xD
SCENE SUGGESTIONS I don't really have any suggestions, sorry... though I would actually like a scene where loki tells Hayley " I am the monster parents tell their children about at night" ....

PASSWORD Lady Avengers


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