»decorative&raw. | Cassie Bae


Cassie Bae

Eunmini — min — 7


NAME — Cassie Yurin Bae

NICKNAME(S) — Cass (an endearing nickname and a shorten version of her name, by Joonyoung)

BIRTHDAY & AGE — 20-03-97 | 18

BIRTHPLACE & HOMETOWN — Boston, USA & Seoul, South Korea


English - fluent; native language.
Korean -  fluent; spoke it at home.


Lee Jin Sil
Gong Soo Ah

Rock Chae Eun

Lee Nu Ri

A Hyun



STORYLINE — This year Cassie Bae is not so sure what she wants to do when thinking about the future, as her dream and passion in becoming an professional chorographer was taken away from her in the blink of an eye. All because of an injury making it impossible for Cassie to go professional. She switches from major and since isn't that bad in drawing chooses; fine art. Without knowing what to do next, Cassie seems to lose her motivation to study or anything that has to do with school in general, What good will it do anyways? She ends up hanging around with the troublesome people of school, arriving at class too late or not bothering to come to class at all, not doing her homework/assignments, causing her grades to drop. Teachers start to worry about her and don't know how to deal with her. She knows what she's doing isn't something she typically would do and isn't very proud of it, but she can't seem to care much. One of them being her teacher of fine art, a young man, around 24 named Jung Joonyoung. He knows for a fact that she has potential and quite the talent for fine art, maybe even one of the best in her year actually, even if she doesn't see it herself yet. To help and convince her that she has natural talent for it, Joonyoung decides to give Cassie an extra journal only for the two to share, to do whatever with it for example draw or write down everything that's going through her head, both the good and the bad. When she has done that, Cassie will give it back and Joonyoung will do the same, exchanging the journal between the two. As example Joonyoung filled the first page. The journal brings the two a little bit too close for others approval and feelings start to develop. 

APPEARANCE — Cassie has a slim, but slightly toned body from all the dancing and long legs that fit her height well. She's often seen with long and straight natural black hair, even thought she tends to dye it silver/grey at times. A pair of soft angled eyebrows and her eyes are dark brown, but can change to a lighter shade of brown over the seasons. As for makeup she usually uses bb cream, black eyeliner with toned down eye shadow, black mascara and lipgloss, she likes to keep it elegant and simple. She has quite a scar from her dancing injury that goes from the side of her left knee, it's starts a little bit under her knee and ends about five centimeters above her knee. It doesn't stop her from wearing shorts.


PERSONALITY — Cassie has a multi-layered personality, making it difficult or almost impossible to really get to know her, even if she is quite over the place. She often tends to go with a brave and confident facade, while she has in fact a lot of insecurities especially after not knowing what kind of future is installed for her when she can't become a professional choreographer. The biggest question is, if of course she would let you come close and give you enough time to even try and figure her out. It's obvious she is rather cautious with letting people into her life. So they better feel in' special if they only get a small glimpse of what's behind. 

If it's one thing that drives Cassie to give it her all it has to be her determintation to not give up when there is a change she can make it. Of course she keeps it realistic enough. What also helps her through hard times is when doing something she enjoys and putting all her heart and soul in it. She won't let others take her down while she knows her own potential. Cassie has a very creative mind and a mind of her own so it's not that weird to hear her come up with either incedibly brilliant ideas or just incredibly unpractical ones. Like her determintation, her passion is another useful tool of her that keeps her going. Whenever she is passionate about something it's hard to keep her from it and isn't shy and rather eager to give her opinion about a certain topic.  

How often are her insecurities seen as Cassie being stubborn, probably around 95%. If she would get a dollar for everytime that happened, she'd be rich by now. To be honest Cassie doesn't like to show her vunerablity and insecurities to anyone and rather hides it behind traits like her pride that often get in the way of what she actually wants to say or do and her stuborness that seems to have no limit, it's the aries in her, that's Cassie's excuse. 

She can be both incredibly selfless and incredibly selfish, sometimes even in the same breath. She would be able to give everything up if it meant helping out a loved one, while in other occasions she could only be thinking about her own benifits and let her better judgement get the best of her. Lets say it's not something she is proud of. 

ART FIELD — Fine arts ( drawing, painting, sculpture)



▪ modern dance

▪ drawing/painting

▪ campfires

▪ matcha latte

▪ skinship


▪ being disturbed while working on a project or an assignment.

▪ critizism

▪ failure/dissapointing her loved ones

▪ gossip

▪ mosquitoes


▪ Had already won a few awards in modern dance. Cassie passion always had been dancing and dreamed of becoming a choreographer, but after an injury it was all gone. She still can't help, but to dance every now and then.

▪ Is afraid of her older brother's cooking. One time he almost burned the kitchen down when trying to make dinner for him and Cassie.

▪ If she's really absorbed in her work she won't hear a thing and often listens to indie rock when working it helps her get inspired and keep motivated.

▪ Always chooses scissors when playing rock, paper, scissors.

▪ Is rather ticklish.


BACKGROUND — Cassie comes from a wealthy family and was born and raised for most of her childhood in Boston, USA. She had a nice time in kindergarden and  elementry school, making friends easily by just being her cheerful and busy self. It was clear even at an early age that Cassie was meant to do something that involved lots of moving around. Unlike her older brother Cassie had difficulties with sitting still and was often the one sibling that would wander off when being distracted. The only time Cassie would actually sit still was when they gave her a colorbook, piece of paper and pencil, pen, crayons or anything that would be able to help her draw or write. Around the age of six did her parents decide to sign her up at one of the recommended dance schools in Boston to train in Jazz dance. Cassie enjoyed every minute of it. At the age of ten, when she started taking Modern dance lessons, she was certain that this would be something she could be doing for the rest of her life. 

At the age of eleven did her family or more like her father decided to move back to his homeland together with his family as he was offered a better job. Eventually settling down in Seoul, South Korea. It was a place where both Caelan and Cassie needed time to adjust and that took a while, especially when it came to school. Even if both their parents were Korean, actually living there was quite different from America. She was able to get used to her surroundings mainly because of some help from her neighbor, Kim Hyuna, who offically became her first friend in Seoul. Cassie continued her dancing lessons, doubling her training hours and improved even more. She was thirteen when attending her first real dance competition (where she met Moon Jongup, who she quickly learned to know as a classmate of hers and became friends through similar interests.). and ended up being third in her category; modern dance. Cassie began to train even harder and whenever she needed to have a moment to herself she would often go to of her hidden place that Hyuna had shown her and often would just start to draw or doodle away.  It was at the age of fourteen and sixteen that Cassie won first place at Seoul's biggest dance competitions in both categories; Modern and Jazz dance.  

while practicing her dance routine at the school's dance studio, did Cassie injured her knee, by falling with a loud thud on her left knee on the ground, after getting a check up the doctor told her to rest, be careful and not too pressure her knee too much. Which was rather difficult for Cassie as she had an upcoming dance competition. She actually listened to the doctor's advice(command) and had to pull out of the competition. She focussed on other things than practicing so the healing progress would speed up. Just when she thought her knee was getting better and even getting an approval from the doctor, did everything went south. It was the day that Cassie had to perform with a few other dancers including Jongup for the whole school. To be honest it all happened way too fast for Cassie's liking and before she knew it she was lying on the ground with intense twinge going through her left leg. One of the teachers (Joonyoung) immediately took Cassie to the hospital needing to undergo surgery, Joonyoung called her parents to tell what had happened and were on their way to the hospital right after the call. When they arrived her parents and older broher were being told that she could never fully recover from this and that it would be irresponsible to continue dancing at such a high level. Causing Cassie's world to tumble down.



Bae Sangchul | Father | A calm and humorous man, who always comes with the lames jokes when around his family. Causing a lot of sighs and rolling eyes within his family. This man smiles at whatever his family does and isn't the best at scolding his children. Whenever his two children did something he and his wife didn't approve of, he would just look at them with an dissapointed smile, making them feel uncomfortable and wouldn't stop until the two are sincerely sorry.

Lee Kyeongmin  | Mother | A strong and independent woman Geurin has always looked up to even when she was just a kid. Her job is what keeps her busy, but often makes time to spend it with her family as they are what is important to her. Probably the loudest of the family as she often takes the lead and has a more straightforward way of dealing with problems her kids cause.
Caelan Hanbin Bae | Older brother | They share an age difference of 5 years, but do get along well. Caelan is a well-known graphic designer as animator and because of that he was able to open op his own art studio in Seoul this year. Even with a hectic and busy shedule he makes time to spend some time with his little sister, especially after her injury.



Kim Hyuna | best bae/high school student  | one of the first friends Cassie made when coming to South Korea. The two are neighbours and go to the same school only different departments as Hyuna is a music major. They often see each other when on breaks/lunch.  
▪ Moon Jongup | 
best friend/high school student  | Her dancing buddy, they both shared the same class until Cassie needed to change classes, but the two keep in contact as they occasionally occupy the dance studio and still have a few classes together.
▪ applicant | help is on the way/high school student | when it seemed not even her best friends, Joonyoung or family could seem to help Cassie, the applicant was able to calm her down and get her to carefully choose what to do next.

▪ Lee Hanla | not the best idea/high school classmate | got to know Hanla after switching majors as she is also studying fine art. Probably not the best idea of Cassie, because she is one of the reasons Cassie is agreeing on skipping classes so much, at least in the beginning. Starts to see her true nature after refusing to skip class with her and actually try to get on the right track. Hanla tries to keep Cassie from developing her skills and is suspicious about the interaction between the young teacher Jung Joonyoung and Cassie. Probably because he has a crush on him.
▪ Kim Yukwon | bad influence/high school student | in the same class as Jongup, but only got to know him after switching majors through Hanla. Like Hanla, Yukwon seemed like fun and exciting, but he is nothing more than bad influence on Cassie if he doesn't change his attitude. It's clear that Yukwon is just of a follower when it comes to Hanla and when he's not around her he's actually not that bad.



LOVE INTEREST — Jung Joonyoung (24)

BACKUP(S)  — Jung Daehyun

PERSONALITY — Most would say it's a suprise to see Joonyoung as a teacher, especially when knowing him through his years in high school and college. He just wasn't the teaching type or at least that's what they thought. Well maybe not in mathematic or geometry, but Joonyoung knows how to handle a class when it comes to fine art. He is both extemely talented with his hands, (creating some very interesting pieces that earned his widely known recognition) as well as his mouth, Joonyoung definitely has his way with words. Which definitely is benificial when needing to get the attention of even the most troublesome students. Joonyoung just wants everyone's potention to be achieved. On the other hand it makes him extemely stubborn and when being in front of a difficult challenge he won't back down without a fight. Not many see this side of him, but Joonyoung is a romanticist when really falling for someone. slightly shows off possesiveness, but only when provoken or he's just trying to be annoying.

RELATIONSHIP  — It all starts as a commen teacher-student relationship. Joonyoung wants to help Cassie see her own potential and bring the best out of her as she is one of his students. At first Cassie as she is a student of his and Cassie is being skeptical about it all and doesn't understand what kind of potention he sees in her, that is worth helping a troublesome student like her. She tries to push his buttons to see how far she could go and to see how serious he is about really helping her. Joonyoung easily sees through her and reveals she doesn't fool him with her tough act, causing Cassie to fall into defense. With determentation Joonyoung gives her the extra journal explaining the meaning behind it.  It' like a push and pull kinda thing in the beginning. Just to see how the other would react.

Through the journal she gets more confident and starts to open up to Joonyoung and slowly begins to see the talent she posseses. As the exchange continues, going back and forward, the two grow closer and it's obvious showing in their journal. They act as if their relationship isn't more than just a teacher and student when being in class or around other teachers and students, but outside of it all it is obvious they mean more to each other than just that. To make it work the two need to be as careful as possible not to get caught. which is harder than it looks. Besides Carrie has her pride and stubborness that often stands in the way as well as Joonyoung's growing carefulness and slightly possesive behaivor (which Cassie actually likes pulling out of him.)


COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS — Let me say this first when I saw this fic and read that we could create our own plots I got so excited and immidiately inspired, so thank you for that!! *hugs* hope you'll get a lot of interesting applicants and well I hope you find this plot creative enough or at least enjoyed reading it.

▪ Cassie panics after seeing that Joonyoung can easily see past her tough front she had build up around her.
▪ Cassie writing or drawing something dark and Joonyoung turns it into something positive.

▪ Joonyoung and Cassie meet outside of school and go to a cosy coffee shop to discuss one of the new assigments, but it eventually turns into a date.
▪ both keep on writing or drawing in the journal. (seeing both the ups and downs, the two are going through.)
▪ Finding her new passion in fine art.
▪ Cute moment between Jongup and Cassie at the dance studio.
▪ Hanla and Yukwon trying to get Cassie to skip class with them.

▪ getting the opportunity to show her work at a convention.
▪Cassie and one of the appicants having a heart to heart talk as they feel suspicous about Joonyoung and Cassie.
▪ Lunch time with her friends
▪ Both Cassie and Joonyoung find it hard to act like there is nothing going on when at school.
▪  Cassie going against one of Joonyoung's requests ending in a heated argument and skipping class with Hanla and Yukwon. 




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