fan fiction writing comeback with wicked writing contest!

I am not one to write blog posts about anything in general, but as this writing contest I am joining requires its contestants to post one, I actually felt kind of excited to write this. First, because this is going to be my first writing contest. I have written fanfictions before and a few pieces of literature for my classes but never have I ever joined a contest requiring me to submit a concrete output of my funny, weird and twisted imagination. (Okay, I may not at all be funny, but if you're in my head, I'm pretty sure you'll understand why I said that) Second, this is going to be like my comeback. It has been years since I last posted stuff in here; years since I had the motivation to post and actually finish something. With Bigbang's comeback and with some interesting YG news that kept turning up one after the other over the past few months, I felt a sort of a push to get back in the fanfiction business and get my G-Dragon imagination machine back running.
With that said, I hope you - if someone actually gets interested to read my again - hop onto the link over +here and check out Wicked Writing Contest. My entry is going to be "close your eyes and breathe" (yes, I'm pulling a E. E. s and had my title in lowercase) which you can access if you go through the Stories section in my profile...........or seriously, why would I even trouble you?? Just click +here! Haha. It's a sort of an AU G-Dragon x OC story which I hope you'll [learn to] love.
Basically, that's it. Just posting to promote the contest - and my story in the process - and announcing that I'm back once again! I'm all rusty and all but please bear with me. I'm going to do my best to get my fanfiction body back into shape ;)
Stay awesome, people.
bb-love x


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final107 #1
I actually came across your wordpress (or was it blogspot?) account earlier this week. Hehehe. I miss your stories
viashmbng #2
I miss your fanfics