Random Eunhae Video Spam

So I was feeling down for quite awhile and today I decided to just check some vids about my babies and well, they actually really cheered me up so I decided to share some more moments with you guys just to cheer you guys with their cuteness like how they cheered me up =) 


You all probably already saw this video but since it's one of my absolute favorites, I'll post it anyway~ 

This one also lol!

you guys probably already saw this one too but lets just take a moment to talk about this vid... I know that some people say that its only fanservice and that they are just best friends and that we're all delusional and all of that but lookie here. This is clearly a program without audiance so there's no extreme need for the fanservice. And also, Do you see the look Hyuk has while looking at the camera? Does that look like a normal best friend look to you? The disappointment in his eyes are super clear. And you of course have to notice how Hae became so nervous and kept looking away. He was clearly panicking so you can't go on saying that this all is fanservice or acting cause if it was then I can't wait for them to get their oscar cause this is some fine acting right there! 

The hug. Nuff said. 

Holy guys... Like H0oOo0oOo0Ly !! Hae baby, you made it way too obvious with this little msg! And what the hell is with your y voice? Seriously, You'll be the end of us all!! 

This one is just adorable with all their cute little moments. 

Adorkable kids are adorkable~~~

The ones starting from now are short stories and some of them are basically feels trips so prepare yourselves lol! I know I said it was going to cheer you guys up but well, some if these are just too good to not share lol!

This one was one of my very first Eunhae vids so I just had to share it! I had just discovered SJ at the time I found this vid and I was totally obsessed with at the time so when I found that there were such a real otp I was like 'Hallelujah!' xD 

I love this one where they are like on a mission to find each other like spies or whatever. It's just like an action movie and it's just awesome. 
Like this one also, 

Now I know what their jobs would have been if they weren't in SJ....

On second thought, I don't like them as some action movie characters after all...

This one made me cry... but I cry at literally anything these days so you might not find it as sad as I did lol!  It's awesome though so watch it! 

This one is also pretty sad so yeah......It's good though! 

That's all for now. You guys probably saw all of these already but well, rewatching them is okay no? lol! Enjoy these little videos and I'll probably be posting some again soon cause this keeps my mind off of some things and well, Eunhae are life so yeah, see you soon~ 


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I'm so going to watch this
Thanks for sharing babe :*
Eunhae is life indeed <33
MyeolchiHyuk #2
Wow.. Thanks..
Some i already watch n some i haven.. Will watch it..

Thanks again..