The Weirdest Dream I Ever Had

Okay, I had this dream a loooong time ago, but I remember it because I've told it so many times. Before I start, you should know that I am homeschooled and I used to meet with a homeschool group every Tuesday, but not anymore.

So, in the dream, I was going on some sort of field trip with my homeschool group... in a helicopter. In this helicopter, there were rows and rows of seats. I sat at the back and started writing in a notepad. A lady walked up to me and said, "Oh! Are you sitting with the grandmas?" I got out of that row very quickly because apparently I really didn't want to sit with the grandmas. I sat in the second row with one of my friends and continued writing in my notepad. She looked over and asked what I was writing. "I'm writing the names of all the grandmas," I replied. Then, MY grandma came over, looked at the notepad, and said, "You don't have a British grandma." My reply was "Yeah, but when she sings she sounds British." Soon, my mom and I were informed that there was no more room for us on the helicopter and we would have to be dangled over a highway in a cage to get to our destination. When my mom and I were in the cage, I had my plush Powerpuff Girls, but then I dropped them. I started crying and my mom said, "It's okay. We'll get them back." "How?" I asked. "The highway is your cousins' house," my mom replied. I was so confused. The cage was then slowly lowered down into my cousin's house and there were life sized cars driving around the living room. The cars were being controlled by one of my cousins. Soon, the cars disappeared and it was Halloween and we were getting ready to go trick or treating.

That was my dream.


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Wow, that was one weird dream. I have a lot of weird dreams too.