[WIP Update] Keeper's Smial: The leaves burned

I baked my smial early in the afternoon and this is how it looks like:



I'm so happy that I am now able to hold it ^-^ As you can see, I added the red mushroom cups along the sides of the smial  (beside the door and the window);

three toadstool mushrooms next to the pond;



the succulents on the left side;



and the blueberries at the back. 



I didn't attach the fence because it covered my succulents. And between the fence and my plants, the latter would always win.



I made the tree and baked it before dinner hoping I could show you guys the finished sculpture.

However, the top of the leaves got scorched -_- The leaves that I painstakingly attached one by one are ruined.




I tried fixing it by scraping the burn marks. And then I talked myself into believing that the leaves are undergoing senescence, that it's normal for trees to have brown and green leaves. I may have fooled you with the pics but I won't be able to fool myself. It's just won't do.

Bye, bye tree :'(


I'd make another one tomorrow. My adorable smial deserves to have the best tree from me! And I owe it to myself. I've been working on this for three days already. I can't settle for anything less than the best I could give. Another day won't hurt.




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I felt like it was missing something when I saw it earlier and now I know, it's the tree! It looks so good with the tree, too bad it didn't make it haha.
It looks so good, I like the tree. Autumn would look cool, diff colored leaves