Thoughts About College

So, it's been a long, hot day, so I'm tired, but I started college this year (well i'm in one of those programs where in our junior and senior years we take exclusively college classes at a local college). I only have 2 classes on my Mondays (which is a blessing), but I'm still kinda nervous about the whole participation grade in both classes. I'm not really one for participation, so I guess I'll have to push myself in that area.

However, my professors seem really nice (all except for one who I haven't met or had her class yet, but she's Russian and the way the syllabus talks is scary, but that's just my opinion). I still have to get used to the different schedule, I'm still stuck on having a class every single day like in high school, but college is way different (and I guess that's a blessing).

Anyways, good night.

P.S. Also textbooks are hella expensive. WHY ARE THEY SO EXPENSIVE GIVE US A BREAK.


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Good luck!! I'm as well starting college for the first time. but next week!! I'll have class everyday tho but that's because I'm taking 7 subjects and 2 labs so I'll be busy af lol. And yes, college books are REALLY expensive and for my career it'll be a pain in the because all we'll do is reading and writing a lot... /: