EXAM Results~ hehe

Well I have happy news today hehehe~ Yesterday I got my exam results! And I got better results than the people who bullied me did YAS!!! 

English Language: C
English Literature: B
Maths: C
Music: C
History: C (would have got a B but I ed up on the last exam *Cries* )
Art: B
Geography: B
Science: D (I failed this but my teacher said with the time we were given to learn everything this result was amazing- Aka most of my class got F's) 


I am proud of myself for getting 4 C's and 3B's because that means I really am going to college!!!! ARHGGGGG I was so nervous yesterday and I suffered a massive panic attack the night before just worrying about yesterday but I was happy when I realised I past English and Maths the two subjects I struggled in so much. 

If anyone on here got their results yesterday I want to say a massive WELL DONE!!! 

Okay I am going to go now hehe~ Bye bye and I hope you all have a loverly day xxx


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emmetropia #1
Congratulations on your GCSEs! Those two years paid off :) I'll be starting year 10 in September and I'm so nervous, but also really excited at the same time ^v^