Posters ^^

CUUUUUZZZZ i hafta share when i get new ones ^^


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that's a beautiful wall or beautiful people ;3; you have done well *clap clap clap*
Very nice collection Miss lady. I'm starting my collection as well & I'm kinda late with it. LOL. I have a Pink-Haired Xuimin poster, A VIXX poster & Two J-Hopeie photo cards on my wall. I can't wait to get some more stuff!. #thestruggleisreal, LOL. (^_^)
You don't have anymore room on your wall lol
Nice poster collection. My walls are freshly painted and lovely so I'm not putting anything on them right now. I like your little blue lantern thingies above the window too
I so badly want the supernatural and BTS poster like GIVE ME! Lol I need more posters xD
Wow dear !
your collection looks cool.