Fics that I'm almost done with!!!

Hey hey~

So I know its been a month since i updated and im so sorry I been busy with school and Kcon but I only am here to bring good news/

My Incubus fic has been getting a lot of love and I been seeing people saying they wanted to have a sequal and well....

your wish has been granted :D I am making a seqal to it! It will be a chaptered story as well..Most likely...25 at LEAST.   Now it will be mainly focused on Kyungil and Yijeong but theirs goingto be a lot happening and lets just say..Yijeong finds out he does have a family on his dad side with a little twist to it~  Yes He will find the women who killed his mom and man i hope your ready for this ride!

  My TakuJae fic is almost done as well and yes they will be in it seeing how they are a big part of the story next to moonjun!

So please wait it will be out soon!!!! thank you my loves~~~

Tae <3


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