Sorry again for being slow to update

Hey guys, I just wanted to take a minute to apologize for the lack of updates. I've pretty much stopped working on my two VIXX fics unfortunately, I get bored very easily :/ I am trying to focus on my Jikook fic at the moment, but even that hasn't been updated in awhile. I'm working on it little bits at a time. As you may or may not know I struggle with depression and anxiety and I really lack motivation lately. I really want to update more but it's hard when most days I just don't feel like putting forth the effort and I'd rather just sit around and watch videos. I'm trying my best, I hope you all can understand. I do hope to finish all 3 of my fics eventually, so please be patient >.< Thank you so much for subscribing and reading my fics, it means the world to me <3


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