Panic Mode


I am having a mini meltdown because I have to buy so much stuff in so little time with so little money *cries* I am going to college in a matter of weeks and I have yet to buy enough clothes. I need to get shoes, tops, jumpers, trousers etc. - I wear the same outfits over and over again because I just can't afford new clothes. 

Not forgetting the supplies for each of my classes! Each class has textbooks that I need to buy and I am honestly not sure how I am going to afford everything! My mother has been signed off work for two weeks because she's seriously ill yet she is not going to get paid for this time off. I am worried I won't be able to order the things I need because we won't have enough money! We are suffering already with money problems... We barely ever have enough food in the house so I go without eating and I let my family eat... 

It doesn't help that my father doesn't help at all because apparently he's saving for a new house with my step mother, and can't give us a little money to help us through education expenses. I am panicking so much to the point I am losing sleep again and I even cry myself to sleep. 

How on earth am I going to be able to afford anything with so little money we have! We could have gotten money from the government because my mother is a single parent however she turned the offer down! I cannot believe she did that when we suffer problems! I will go without eating at college just like I did at school because I couldn't afford food plus most days we didn't have any food in the house for me to have. 

I just wish things were cheaper in shops how on earth could I spend £28 on one top! I need more for my money I need winter clothes since it's going to be Fall and Winter soon!

*cries* I can't cope with this for sake I am drifting again I was doing so well! 

I also have put off buying the latest EXO Love Me Right albums to complete my collection of all the EXO albums since their debut...I see all these people unboxing all these albums and I am like I can't afford that luxury right girl even said that she was having money problems but bought like 8 albums 8!!! HOW THE CAN YOU HAVE MONEY ISSUES AND BUY 8 ING ALBUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am going to go now...I will just cry for a while see if that calms me down. 

Little kitten is out! x



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Don't panic, we should find a solution so stay calm and we figure something out, okay?
Have you tried getting your textbook second hand from people who don't need these books anymore? That's sometimes cheaper and depending on the person you are buying them from, the quality of the books is still good.

Even though your mother turned the help down, wouldn't you still have a right to get help to buy some textbooks? Atleast were I live it's possible. So check your possibilities! Maybe you are lucky enough for that.

And now to your clothes, you have to think about what's more important and what you would need for autumn/winter, which would be things to keep you warm (again depending on the weather conditions and where you live).
It's sounds really dumb but prioritise what you need and when you need it and than make a plan on how you would get it, look out for sales! (Btw what kind of top was it for 28 pound?)

Right now you are in a tough spot, but don't panic it will get better!
And you should eat atleast one meal a day even if you have money problems, how else are you planning on studying? Your brain needs it and you, yourself need it or you will only think about food and get sick.

Remember you can always finish your exo collection later on, so it's not thaaaat important at the moment~ If you still need someone to talk to or need help or idk, you can write me ^^'

Stay healthy and fighting! C: (P.S I hope your mother get's well soon!)

It has textbooks on the site, and there's free shipping for over $10! I hope this eases your load a bit!