A fun thing...

Someone just called me "the biggest " in my friend's ask...

Aren't people just so cute, dissing anonymously and thinking that they'll offend you *wipes tears away* :D
Omo...should I go and cry in some corner...? LOL

But seriously I'm laughing so hard right now at this
"You must be really stupid to go out with those . This Lexie is the biggest of all and the others are so ugly that I even don't know. And with all this hair on them, they probably don't shave at all."
*checks armpits* Waaahhh....how did they see...? *confused* I don't see anything...
Ahaha....I'm such a that I even confuse people :D hilarious....


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O.o lol people are stupid xD
Haha idk about that.
daddy-jjong #3
lol pls ppl have nothing better 2 do these days
ing crap coated mailbox flags smh
Ah people...they're so loveable. i love them. :D
You are not the biggest . How dare they say that to you! That's MY title!!!!!!