Balancing my obssesion w/my life

Trying to write 2 different fics & balance my life.....yeah.

Just a little info about me, I work in a Phone Bank for an Elections Office. Whenever I'm not on the phone with customers, I'm on Word Document writing my fics.

I love writing my fics, if only other people in my life could understand that. Everyone tells me I spend too much time on my computer looking @ Kpop things or working on my stories. They don't understand that my two passions outside of school are Kpop & Writing. WHY CAN'T THEY UNDERTAND THAT??

Anyway....that was my little rant.

I'm finishing up Ivy Club, then I can focus completely on Harvest Moon. And then maybe get El Dorado going. I also have another fic I'm trying to get out my head & onto my computer. =/

I'm also looking for other fics to read. Any suggestions?

Mishab =)


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