crush talk .

i'm sorry for using this to vent again.

i confessed to my crush.

through facebook.

we were chatting a few days ago and since my mouth is so big, i had to tell her i told our mutual friend a secret.

she's really stubborn and kept begging me to tell her what my secret is for days. and i hated myself because i loved the attention she was giving me.

i told her.

i got rejected, naturally.

i really wasn't expecting anything, but it still hurts. even as i'm typing this i'm shaking and sobbing.

she told me she just doesn't feel the same and that i shouldn't worry about things being awkward between us.

i mean, i knew i was gonna get rejected, but i'm such an idiot why did i have to tell her why did i have to ruin what we already had why did i have to fall in love with her when i knew nothing was going to come out of it

i'm sorry i'm a mess


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*hug u tightly* *kisses your forehead* it's okay.
jongkeymyheart #2
I think that it's for the best. It's n ice not to have secrets with someone that close, even if it hurts right now, you'll feel better now that you've let it out. It's going to provide some closure and you won't be left with that "WHAT IF?" and you'll be able to move on. I know it right now, but you'll pull through and one day you'll find someone who feels the same weird butterflies when they talk to you and if you're the one to confess first, you'll end up with a possibly cheesy a'f response. Wipe your tears and take a deep breath. I know your heart hurts, but maybe you're breathing a little easier now that you have that weight off your chest. :)
I know what you went through. ..This happened in the Ereri fandom to me, I confessed to my close friend and got rejected. Before we had the best chemistry and even though deep down I might know the outcome I confessed. It hurts even though i prepared my heart. We went back to how we were but my affection may let her think that my actions aren't platonic and it got awkward no matter what. ...Anyway, Im sure you are hurting right now. .feel tightly hugged by me >. <
What you told her was that you didn't want to hide things from her. You told her you want to be honest with her. You told her something that you held so dearly and shared something so meaningful with her. You told her that you trust her with something so delicate. If anything, I would say that has the basis of a much stronger relationship than anything, because now she knows that you trust her so deeply to want to confess something. Also, she knows that, if she needs to talk to someone that cares about her and gives a damn about her, you will probably be at the top of her list.

What is probably making the situation worse for you is that you told her through Facebook, so you have no facial cues to go from. Just words. But speak to her, face to face. Don't bring it up unless she does, and she probably will. Don't think about it too much (easier said than done, but try) and let your friendship flourish. Also, you don't really get a say in who you fall in love with. You get a say in how you will react, but not if you will love them. And loving someone is the second most beautiful thing your heart can do. The most beautiful thing is loving someone who loves you back, and I bet your friend will do something to help you find someone who will love you the way they think you deserve to be.