
Can anyone translate this Hangul to English?

I Google tranlate and Babylon them but the translations are not really satisfactory and I translated them on my own according to what I got from the mentioned sites above...

This are chapter title of a fanfic I recently read... I'll really appreciate the help, since I want to learn different languages especially Korean words... 


사랑이니까 - Love Now

슬프면 괜찮아 – Sadly, it’s alright

아프면 괜찮아 – if it’s okay

행복하면 괜찮아 – If it’s your happiness, then it’s okay


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thank you for the help... appreciate this a lot...
hopelesswriter #2
i'm not Korean neither do i study Korean formally...but i'll try...(might not be 100% accurate but the meaning is probably somewhere along there...)

사랑이니까 - Because of love
슬프면 괜찮아 – When/If Sorrowful, It's alright // When Sorrow is Alright
아프면 괜찮아 – When/If Pain, it's Alright // When Pain is Alright
행복하면 괜찮아 – When/If Happy, It's Alright // When Happiness is Alright

면 can be when or if...depending on context...
괜찮아 - can mean 'it's alright'/not bad/nice/to express permission/etc. depending on context as well...