Trying to Stay Strong

It's been a while since I've really talked about myself... maybe because it hurts too much. These days, the pain has been getting worse. I don't know why but I can't control what I do or say. I know I'm awake but, it's like another me controlling the things I say. When I look through the things I've said to my friends... I can't believe I had typed that. I don't remember doing that. When I apologize, they get upset but sometimes they forgive me. However, this pain... I want to take control of my life again.

I have multiple personalities. They only appear when I get a lot of adrenaline, anger or when I'm upset.

There's one where I literally swear in every line... I insult my friends, random people. I just can't do anything about it. Even if I delete the messages they'll still remember what it said. No. I don't have names for them.

I don't know much about the others.. but ALL I KNOW IS.. it's not me. Sometimes when I'm awake... they take over, and I can't do anything about it. It's like I'm possessed. I tried the therapists... but they don't help and they cost too much money for my single mom to afford. I never really told her about my mental conditions. All she knows is that I've got anxiety. I don't want to hurt her even more with the truth. She has enough to deal with, the divorce, her depression, late night work.. everything.


What should I do...


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I hope that you'l feel and get better soon. I dont really know much about multiple personalities, but maybe you could try some meditation to like relax and calm yourself.
It must be tough for you to deal with. Hmmm... I'm not sure if my advice will help, but have you tried writing profiles about your other personalities. Like a journal. Write about the stuff your other personalities does and what triggers them. If you write them in a journal and show them to your friends they'll be able to understand the situations better and will be able to cope better.
Is there any medication your on? I don't know a lot about people with multiple personalities, but I think there are some kind of medication that you can take to help you cope.

As I looked through the treatment for multiple personality disorders, I've noticed that support groups are largely recommended.

To help yourself:
-Talk to your doctor about treatment options and stick with treatment
-Try to maintain a stable schedule of meals and sleep times
-Engage in mild activity or exercise to help reduce stress
-Try to spend time with other people and confide in a trusted friend or family member
-Tell others about events or situations that may trigger symptoms
-Expect your symptoms to improve gradually, not immediately
-Identify and seek out comforting situations, places, and people
-Continue to educate yourself about this disorder.

I am willing to be a helpful ear if you ever need to rant or release pent-up frustration. Stay strong. You're lovely