Craft #s 61 -63: Birds and Wings + life update

Almost, almost had a heart attack yesterday afternoon. The news of my sister being rushed to the Emergency Room due to low blood platelet count put me on edge. The first thing that came to mind was D-E-N-G-U-E. She was having a fever, on-and-off, since Friday. Yesterday, she felt better and so she reported back for work.

Around 2:00pm, my mom got a call.

On a normal day, mom snaps at me - her voice stern and her face a mask of annoyance. (I thought she wasn't always like this, but my sister told me otherwise.) So you can just imagine how she was yesterday.

I was left at home because the workers are still installing the cabinets. And in case my mom needs anything from our house, I could just bring it to her.

The moment she closed the door, I prayed. And despite the pounding and the drilling noises in the garage and in the master's bedroom, I couldn't hear them above my thoughts.

And so to keep myself from worrying, I picked up a purple clay. And kneaded.



After an hour of waiting for my phone to ring, the door opened and I heard my sister.

I was relieved that it wasn't so serious she had to stay in the hospital. But then, we still have to monitor her temperature.

In the evening, I made wings.



The wings are so small, it took me three hours trying to get it right. This is the first successful batch, and it definitely needs improvement.

I thought the purple bird shouldn't be alone. So I made a green bird:



This morning, mom and sis went back to the hospital because late last night, the fever came back. 

I just received a call that they're admitting her. 

She has dengue.


You might be wondering what this Keeper is doing at home. Well, my contract just ended and I'm looking for a vacant position or an opening for a new project. You'd think that with a master's degree, it would be a bit easier. Wrong. Even my dad is helping me with my job search >.> 

Anyway, things happen for a reason. And I'll leave everything up to Him. 




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There is a herbal that is used against dengue, it's called tawa tawa that it is made into tea, very effective.
The birds are really cute
the birds are very cute, and i really hope your sister gets better. i cant imagine how nerve-wracking it is to wait for your sister to be okay and to get out of the hospital. i'll pray for her tonight :)