Karma Beggars

There are beggars everywhere in the world, of course, in AFF as well. There has always been blog posts or discussions created by users who are in need of karma points for various reasons. In this blog, I will talk about the two most common types of karma beggars on AFF, and my opinion on them.


Type 1: To change username

Users who state that they need karma points to change their username sometimes seems very suspicious. Quite a while ago on AFF, I came across a blog stating that the user needed karma points to change their username. However, the profile showed that they only created their account on the day. I get it, some times people make a stupid username that they regret, but wanting 500 karma points from other people on your first day on AFF? Hell, I didn't even know karma points existed on my first day.

Another user I came across recently stated that she had 75 karma points and wanted donations to change her username. Changing username cost quite a lot, 500 karma points to be exact, and for new users, that can be a big number. But, when you only have 75 kpts, that is only 15% of the total cost. Asking for people to help to change the username is same as saying I have $75.00, donate money to me to help me buy that $500.00 Gucci purse. I personally don't approve of that sort of 'favor'.


Type 2: To advertise for a friend's story

I see these type of blog posts and discussions so often that if I get 1 karma point for every time I come across one, I will be able to win the advertising bid.

Sorry that was a lame joke. Anyways, when these users ask for karma points, I'd pause to check their post. If there is a link to the story provided, and it really shines in my eyes, then sure, I'll donate. But most of the time, that is not the case. When I open the blog, it just says something like: 'My friend's story is amazing and I really want to help her advertise.' There are no link, no description, no nothing. Maybe that user was trying to surprise the author or something, but when no information is provided, no donation. 


Type 3: To advertise their own story

Okay, I will be extremely selfish here. I wouldn't donate to users from this catalgory unless they are a friend, or I have personally read the user's story and really enjoyed it. Perhaps it's because I'm an author, and I'd rather save karma for my own advertisement than give to others.

The problem with some of the stories the authors promote is that it doesn't really stand out among thousands of other fanfics on AFF. There aren't anything special about that story that makes me want to care for it and grow it. I'm not saying that there are anything wrong with wanting to advertise for your own story, but this is just how I (personally), would react.


Type 4: Urgent & reasonable needs

Here is a scenario where I would defintely donate karma points. This happened to me a long time ago, and I need to say thank you to all of you who helped me during the hard times.

I forgot my password. I couldn't get into my account at all. I didn't set up an email to recover my password and all my stories were on my account. Since I was still automatically logged on with my laptop, I decided to quickly transfer my stories before I lose access to my account. But each story cost 50 karma points to transfer, and I had around 6 stories.

I didn't have enough karma points at the time to transfer all my stories. I made a blog post begging for friends to send me karma points so I can move my stories to my new account. Thanks so some very generous people, I was able to move my stories before losing access to my account. That old account was Xiuminbaozi05.

If I encounter someone else in that situation, I would definitely help them because I understand the anxious feeling of losing your stories and your account.


In my opinion, if one want to advertise, then the author should gain karma through reading other people's work and leaving suggestions, or gaining subscribers and comments. They should at least try to earn karma points before asking for them. 

Here is one thing I don't understand. It is really that urgent for one to change their username? They should be able to at least stay under that name for long enough to earn some karma points before changing. Usernames don't have to follow your current bias. Usernames shouldn't be made to be so offensive that you absolutely need to change it ASAP.

In conclusion, I refuse to donate karma points in the cases of advertising and changing username. However, I do suggest donating to contests that you join, and people in real need. Karma points are earned through hard work and dedication. Writers gain karma points by spending hours writing stories, readers gain karma points by spending hours reading stories and commenting, karma points purchased from real money requires even more work. Users who wish for free karma points from other people for their own recreational use, sorry, but that is not cool at all. 


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i got you
Account96 #2
this is tragic
lalophobia #3
I'm stalking you tbh

but someone (who actually commented on your blog about adverts) came and begged me for karma points like a week ago. they actually commented on one of my blogs where I was hot headed and disagreed with advertising shops and things like that, so I was confused as to why the thought asking me for points was going to be 'okay' in my mind when I had strong of feelings about adverts. They wanted them to advertise, and I explained that getting the points to advertise (at least your first time in my opinion) must be earned. because asking for points to advertise is not putting in the work to establish yourself as an author. it's basically cheating. I'm a pretty popular author and I got this way without help - just talent (how litter there may be). we always talk about stars and how some famous people are only famous because of their family's money, and that's how I see asking for karma to advertising to be. you're just getting without actually working.
and then I don't trust anyone who asks for it for a username change. like, bruh, that's your fault. if you're actually using aff the right way by reading and commenting, it should be easy to get the points. and if you're a silent reader, does it really matter what your user is? most of the people who ask for karma for user changes are people who use aff as social media more than a fanfic site - or at least I've noticed that. so I'm just like 'lol no'
I have yet to come across someone who actually needed it like you. you're the first person who has ever had a plausible explanation for asking for karma.
i totally agree with you , i think people should work hard to get what they want ^^
Queenjk #5
Ummmm can u pliss tell me the importants of karma. ....uno,I don't kno anything about this thing. ..sooo can u pliss tell me
i thought you wrote the blog to ask for points...lol was gonna donate
I recently asked for help with my KPs to advertise. It was my first time advertising after being here in 2-3 years? Yes. It was selfish of me. I didn't begged nor force them. I asked them if they want to and they were all kind enough to help me. Because I too have been donating KPs to those who need help. I just want this certain fic of mine to gain some kind of recognition because like any other authors, I am working hard on it, putting my feelings in it too. I won the bid. And I am really thankful to those who helped and it gives me more reason to work harder to write good fics for them. Sorry. I just felt that I need to share that. I am not trying to stir up something here, hope you understand.
Blackshadows #8
I get your point and meaning. I did change my username but I didnt beg people to give me karma donation. I have my account for over an year now, and I did save up my karma in order for this process. I really dont get people why they do these type of things in the first place and think it over. AFF won't end tomorrow. I did wonder why people would ask and people need to know that Karma is based on how well you wrote your stories or how active you comment on the story. I dont get why people will ask if you dont show effort or so. I dont know, but it seems like you did have a good point which I figured out for a long time.
People these days don't value hard work and the process.They want everything laid up for them in an instant.
I hid my kp info because users approach me for karma points -_- They would add me as friend and then they pm me asking me for kp -_-
I never liked owing people money so I never borrowed money from anyone. If I couldn't afford it, I would just wait and save more money.
I only gave karma points to a friend who was leaving and wants to transfer her stories to another user , donated to a friend's contest (I don't know what happened to that contest though. She... got busy), donated to artists for their free resources and services.
Since 2013, I earn karma points mostly by making layouts and selling them in the Layout Market. I believe people would pay good money for good products/service. So if you have any talent or service to offer, you can charge them with kp. I think that is better than asking strangers for karma points.
Can I be one of the people in group 5? You know, the ones who say "Please give me karma points because I want karma points and I don't want to earn them through traditional means because I'm lazy and subscribing and reading and commenting is just so much work so just give them to me already?" Pleeeeeeeeeeeease? Pretty please with chocolate peanut butter cups on top?
Woah, I've never even thought about that last point