ChanKai rivals





This article really amused me, though. And I ought to share this with you. Mehehehehe >:)))

When I saw the title of the article, I kinda guessed that it will be Soo at the top because it wasn't a secret that he has the most number of fanboys among the members and I was not even surprised that Baek comes second. Lol~

So now we know that we can't even blame Chanyeol and Jongin, right??!




yeah, I'm a Kaisoo and Baekyeol shipper and yeah...


I'm curious as to what are the reasons why the gay community prefers Baeksoo though. Maybe they asked people who usually tops? Hmmm. IDK. But I guess it is fun to speculate. :p


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I'm thibking who they'd top in my opinion.. Orz.
Idk.. Chankai are natural top (yeol bottoms only in krisyeol UuU) ...i assume.

In my honest opinion I thin soo is a top e e ;;
christie134m #2
Yey love love d.o
MottiNuri_LaGorda #3
LOL interesting article. I first saw it on facebook. Didn't expect anyone to share it here. I guess different type of gay guys have different preferences XD

I might be an old hag but I'm still praying for the day all my otps to go public #delusionalfangirls
I've heard from someone who is from korea, he is gay, and he said that bottom guys are seen as precious jewels there, especially in gay bars (he said 'if you don't believe me just see it for yourself in korean gay bars' lel). According to him, the majority of gay men there prefer fixed position instead of switch (versatile), and it seems there are more topping boys than bottoms there, and then i shared this info to my friends who have korean friends through students exchange program and she said that dude is correct, her open minded friends + gay guy friends from Korea also say something like this (fixed position, bottom being precious) so i guess that's why baeksoo are famous around gay community in SK. Hmmmm