Please read this || Need help, share me your opinions^•^

Hi its me and I would like all of your opinion on this one>•< I've been training on how to do graphics and at mix martial arts(OK it think dis isn't helping)
But over all I would really like your opinions So here it is
This is the start image:
Starter Image
To this poster:
Random Poster
So tell me what you guys think^•^
P.s - just using pixlr on mobile^•^
And if something's wrong in the graphic please verify me or if something anything that will you know help me improve on my skills


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you might want to take more care in cutting out the images and fitting them together... maybe change the colours or fade them into each other etcetc. Also you might want to watch out for text in the images (as in the 'VOGUE')...try look for different fonts too. Doing this will make the poster look natural, and a whole image rather than several different ones pieced together. All this would probably be easier on a PC, it must be hard on a phone! ^^
Since you're fairly new to it you're doing pretty well! I'm no pro but I have made a few posters and I'm an art student so yeah ahaha you're doing great, I just want to give you advice so you can get better! <3
It's perfect :)
Woahhhh ^^
Thumbs up!!
Its beautiful~
*Random stranger passing by