We're Grown Ups ; Application :'D


Your AFF Name: Lovinghimx3


Character Name: Kim Sunye


Ethnicity: Korean / Chinese


Age: 18



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Ulzzang Name: Huang Yilin

Backup: Kang Su Ra

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Personality: Sunye's a very bubbly and happy girl and is also very friendly towards everyone.  She has a very unique sense of humor that knows how to make people laugh and smile.  With her around, there's no such thing as silent moments.   There will be awkward moments though.  She never does aegyo, she only  does it once in a blue moon just to annoy or manipulate people.  She also can be quite clumsy.  She’s also the type of person to prank someone.  Once she meets someone, she's the type of person to bow 10 times and can be quite shy.  But as she gets to know you, she will learn how to be more comfortable around you.  She cares about everyone around her and will do anything to protect and help them.  She's a very attentive listener and will always be willing to lend you a hand or give you a shoulder to lean on.  She also can be quite stubborn when it comes to helping others.  For example, if someone feels bad for asking for her help, she would insist on helping that person.  She's a very true and loyal friend and will never backstab anyone.  She's also likes nagging o-o.  For example, if someone told her that they didn't eat breakfast and lunch, she'd come up with this whole lecture saying that it's not good for you and all that jazz.  She also likes encouraging people and making them think on the bright side.  She's not the brightest or the smartest person out there, but she's not afraid to be different.  She's quite slow because it sometimes takes her a while to understand something. xD Especially when it comes to jokes.  She would be like "Ohhhh, i get it now!" once everyone stops laughing.  She's quite sensitive and is a sofy, though.  o;  She’s quite girly but she loves going to the gym and loves keeping fit.


Background: Sunye was born in California, Los Angeles and lived with her parents.  She was an only child and was very much loved. She was raised there until she was 10 and they all moved to Seoul.  There, they had a much better and happier life and no one picked or bullied.  During middle school, she was quite ghetto, to be honest.  She cursed a lot and always wanted to fit in.  But when high school came around, she met different people and there she became a much better and different person than she was in middle school.  She wasn't the brightest or the smartest and even had to go to tutor sometimes.  But she did always did her best and did everything she had to.  She also had big dreams.  Her dad worked as an executive chef in a top hotel while her mom worked as a teacher. 



1) Kim Jinho ; 49 ; Dad ; Chef

2) Chan Jenny ; 45 ; Mom ; Kidergarten Teacher


Wanted Position in Group:


Stage Name: Su



·         Photography

·         Anything that’s strawberry flavored

·         Perfume

·         Glow sticks

·         Pillows

·         Bananas

·         Nutella

·         Rilakkuma

·         Hello Kitty

·         Jajungmyun { Her favorite food of all time }

·         Fluffy socks { She likes sliding with them on xD }

·         Music { Especially instrumental/piano versions }

·         Pocky/ Yan Yan

·         Pandas

·         Geeky/Fashion Glasses

·         Fruits/Veggies



·         Bugs

·         Syringes/Needles

·         Blood work

·         erts/Creepers

·         Smell of markers

·         Sound of nails scratching on a blackboard

·         Slow internet connection

·         When it’s too windy outside

·         Horror movies

·         Cheese

·         Judgmental and mean people

·         Smokers

·         Glue



·         Crossing her legs when sitting { Except when wearing a dress, skirt, or shorts }

·         Tends to sleep on her side and with the covers over her head

·         Waking up early

·         Drinking from straws instead of sipping

·         Twirling her pen when writing { She doesn’t use pencils & if there aren’t pens around, she uses lead pencils }

·         Never talks with full

·         Covering when yawning

·         Biting the chain of her necklace

·         Sleeps with music on

·         When shopping, she tends to always goes to the fragrance section first



·         Taking Selcas

·         Drawing

·         Origami folding

·         Running

·         Yoga

·         Shopping

·         Listening to music

·         Dancing

·         Watching cooking channels

·         Creating MV’s



·         Bugs

·         Syringes/Needles

·         Clowns

·         Blood



·         Bloodtype : AB

·         Height: 171 CM { 5 ft 7 }

·         Weight: 54 KG { 119 Pounds }

·         Always has this heart shaped necklace on  ---> http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxp2cvkrZx1qdvo20o1_500.jpg

·         Favorite Flower : Japanese Cherry Blossoms

·         Favorite Color : Purple

·         Favorite Candy : Jolly Ranchers

·         Favorite Drama : You’re Beautiful

·         Birthday : October 13

·         Though her mom is Chinese, she doesn’t know any Chinese besides the numbers.

·         Her pet = A goldfish named French Fries 

·         Cellphone Chain ---> http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxrp1gWWkY1r4gnhuo1_500.jpg



·         Bang Minah ; Girls Day

·         Lee Hongki ; FT Island

·         Song Seunghyun ; FT Island

·         Lee Kikwang ; B2ST

·         Lee Sungjong ; Infinite


Love Interest: Lee Sungyeol ; Infinite // Lee Hoya ; Infinite // Kim Sunggyu ; Infinite


Password: I luhh You :DD


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