[Tutorial] To add on new slots for 두근거려 Baek Peony

So, I am very well aware that the slots provided in this layout may not be enough for those who has a huge number of stories.
Therefore, I've created this tutorial to help authors who wants to add in all of their fanfics in the layout :)

First off, if you've bought the layout, you'll be given a link to the codes and in that link you'll find two sets of codes.
In the first set of codes, you'll get 9 slots for your fanfictions. I strongly reccommend for you guys to count the total
number of your fanfics first before you start editing any details. If you have more than 9 fanfics, you will have to manually
add on the codes for more slots. Each time you copy + paste the new set of codes into the current one, you'll gain
two extra slots. So it's probably a wise choice for you to do your math first before you paste the codes in :) 


1) Before you copy the new add on codes, make sure you copy the first one and have it pasted in your profile (via source).

2) In the link we gave you, scroll down until you see ' 2 Add on slots', and copy the set of codes.
3) On your profile editor, find the sentence or you can simply ctrl + f 'paste the add on codes'

4) As shown on the picture above, paste in the codes you've copied before the closing div tag and voila! You'll gain 2 extra slots!
If you would like more slots (for example 4 more slots), just continue pasting for 2 more times.

That's about it! If any of you have any questions, please leave a comment and I'll try my best to help you out!

- lynn


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