I Need You

Dear Boy,

Everyday I think of you......

Your eyes, your lips, your hair.....

Why are you so perfect? Why can't I stop loving you?

I wish I could cuddle into your comfy arms and feel your warmth.

But I can't. I just can't.

I feel a sharp pain in my heart when I can't see you.

The way you talk, the way you smile always melt my heart.

I can wish and dream but it can't come true.

I want to hug and kiss you but there is no hope......

I sit on the cold damp flour thinking of you while hot tears trickled down my cheeks.

I realised I need you......

Hello, I hope you like this "poem" or like a short message ^^ This is actually based on a true story written by me. I wrote this poem when I was crying with a personal reason. keke.... *embrassed*  I know this is not a really good poem but I am trying to improve. Do you guys want me to write more poems? :)


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