Well, hey guys. XDD There's only a few days left before I'm headed back for the States to study college. (Half-excited and half-nervous)

So I was packing up my things while having a conversation with my mom XDD


A typical conversation with my mom:

Mom: (opens the drawer in my closet which holds my kpop albums) Woah, do you want to bring any to college?

Me: Sure (trying to choose one out of the bunch)

Mom: (after looking for a while) Just bring some posters of your favourite kpop groups.

Me: Okay (Pulls out the 3 posters I have: NU'EST, B.A.P., and 2PM)

Mom: (takes the posters over for inspection)

Me: Well?

Mom: This is too girly (NU'EST; puts poster aside)

Mom: This is too dark (B.A.P; meaning their concept for 1004 Angel)

Mom: Ooohhhh, this is good. They look manly. (Points at the 2PM poster) You can take this.




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Lol your mom is hilarious xD