Microcinema Story Plots for Advertisements are Surprisingly Creative & Captivating O____O

As I continue to fangirl about Li Yifeng (lol seems it's getting to the point of one blog post about Li Yifeng per day XD), I've stumbled upon a couple of microcinema (aka mini-films) that he's starred in, and I have to say that the plots are surprisingly and wittily captivating.  O___O  In fact, I dare to say that the stories for these following ads are more interesting than some of popular stories (about love) that I read at AFF.  aka "a better love story than..." *cough cough*

Hm...why can't advertisments in North America be just as interesting (as opposed to just slap the brand's logo on cheaply and tell people to buy, buy, buy like a broken record)?  Then again, if the commercials here in North America become too interesting, then I probably can't even take a proper washroom break.  *Sigh*  I should just be thankful.  @____@

Two bad there are no English subs for these videos yet.

I'm Your Cell Phone - This is a two-part mini series that advertise the Chinese smart phone brand, OPPO.  Despite the typical premise of a dorky girl trying to get the attention of her favourite guy, this mini-series is still able to introduce all the functions of the smart phone without any awkwardness.  The showcasing of the phone's functions surprisingly works very well with the story plot.  Though, it does remind me of a bit of Absolute Boyfriend.

Here's Part One of the mini series:

Part Two of the mini series:


Who is Your Preference 2015? - Mini series that advertise Lays potato chips and its new lines of tasty favours.  Besides Li Yifeng -- Amber Kuo, Show Luo, and Zhang Huiwen are in this mini series.  A surprisingly cute romcom.  ^^  In the order of story flow, here are the four mini episodes thus far:

BBQ Squid:

Curry Beef:

Cumin Lamb Chop:

Lemon Chicken:

Hm...the new Lays favours sound rather intriguing...O___o


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