Not Secretive at all

I walked into the counselors office to see what I should for future class and registration and I was signing up to see my advisor up front when I heard,"look at that dress, so loong and flowy. Is it designer you think?" a group of girls set 2 feet away from me start analyzing me. Not surprised, I get looked at a lot because of the way I dress. But like, don't sit their and argue what kind of dress I am wearing or if my eyeliner is liquid or khol. Just come and ask me if you are curious goddamn it. I am not new to stupid obvious questions but when people start discussing about my ethnicity and race, it touches a sour spot. Like don't ing argue weather I am Indian, Turkish, Egyptian, or Colombian. Don't do that , its annoying and personal. I know I have lighter skin than most African people and my dress are not exactly white and black. I know I have similar look to Indians but don't just assume I am something just by looking at my appearance. Ask me and then you'll know. I am not mix or anything, just pure Ethiopian. 
This is so annoying, it happens frequently. And those girls were not whispering, not even close. I can hear every single word they are saying.. 

Advice to you all: If any of you guys out their are curious, please don't do this to people, its irritating as . Just go upto the person and ask, its not hard, just be awer , most people don't like to reveal their information if its persona so don't push it. If the person says, "No, I am not this or that" without telling you their ethnicity, don't pester them, they don't wanna you tell for a rason. But remeber, ask don't assume and discuss someone else. 





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