딸기 키스 — 「 hyunyoung 」


❝lee hyunyoung©

— you / the applicant

username; cocoxoxo
what should i call you?; keayanna
activity rate; 8 out 0f 10

— you / the human
name: lee hyunyoung
— "hyunyoung-oppa" : the younger members call her this because she can act like a dude sometimes (chewing with mouth closed, spreading legs, etc.)
—"pikachu" : the members because she does an imitation of pikachu is the best and uses it for her aegyo.

date of birth: september 21, 1995
age:19 years old
place of birth: seoul, south korea
hometown: seoul, south korea
language spoken: 
—korean / native / she is of korean ethnicity and was born and raised in south korea.
— english / semi-fluent / she was forced to learn it during her high school education and throughout the duration of her six year training period.

— you / the inside

personality traits:
(+) ambitious, outgoing, caring
(-) overly critical, self-centered, obnoxious


first of all, hyunyoung likes to think of herself as an ambitious person. which is completely true. because hyunyoung is an outgoing little one, she loves to talk and be included in multiple things. that's why she was 5th in her class and a little popular. she wasn't like a queenka or anything, but she was such a social butterfly. she got her school work done to keep dancing (as that was her deal with her father) and always participated in school events and extracurricular activities. she was even ambitious in her relationships. whenever she made new friends, she felt like she had to be the first to approach. she always feels like she has to be the moodmaker of her friends or her group. people also like hyunyoung because she is caring. not only to her group of friends, but just her classmates or mutual friends. during her trainee days, she would actually come up to random people that she can tell feel sad or mad and just talk to them. she knows how to work with people.

 now on the bad side of hyunyoung because nobody is a mary sue. she can be... how do I say this.... well, she is overly critical. nobody is a mary sue, but hyunyoung doesn't realize that she isn't. she has her negative traits and non talents, but she likes to give her two sense about other people's lives or talents. she can literall tell on for her friends about how bad their routine is while her routine is no better. she really has audacity to say a lot of things. fans notice that she is very blunt on variety shows, saying things to her members, and she won't even realize what she said was kinda rude. this also explains why she is self-centered. most people think she is caring, which she is no doubt, but she can always turn anybody's problem or situation on her. she always makes the situation about her and bring up how she handles her probelms. I don't know... It's a little annoying. and she kind of really likes looking into the mirror and she really cares about how she looks and who sees her. she can also be obnoxious. because she is outgoing, she is also energetic and do things are actually really annoying to other people, but hyunyoung just doesn't seem to care. her members can be victims of that.

— you / yay or nay

— her favorite thing ever is green tea and she will get that whenever she goes to a coffee shop before schedules.
— she enjoys listening to alternative rock music, her favorite bands are panic! at the disco and paramore.
— she is a cat person and has two cats named baby and mocha.
— she is allergic to dogs and swells up when she is around one.
— the younger members call her "hyunyoung oppa" because she eats and sits like a guy (chewing loudly, opening legs wide, etc).
— her biggest fear ever is bugs, she hates when bugs are in the house and can't kill them, so she begs for the other members to kill them. she literally cries when she sees one.
— one of her favorite hobbies is creating contemporary dance choreography.
— she attended seoul high school  until she was  transferred to seoul school of performing arts and graduated in 2012.
— if she wasn't an idol, she'd go to school for photography.
— hyunyoung chose to not go to college right after school in order to enjoy her dream.
— her biggest wish after she debuts is to get her license.
— hyunyoung is not good at staying up late and is the hardest to wake up in the morning.
— she staying up past 12am and hates waking up before 9am, so the idol schedule is the hardest for her.
— her other dream after she debuts is to become an actress.
— boa is her idol.
— hyunyoung hates lazy people.
— hyunyoung hates bitter things the most, which is why she never orders coffee.
— the members were asked who is the most outcasted of the group and the members answered hyunyoung because she tends to stray behind the girls.
— her twitter is @hyunyoung95
— hyunyoung is all about the healthy lifestyle. she loves healthy food, but dreads working out, but still does it. it helped her debut she thinks.
—hyunyoung can imitate pikachu and scoobydoo but she hates doing it because of her image.
— her idol type in looks is the model/actor lee soohyuk
— the members think hyunyoung is good at aegyo, but she wants to keep a chic, mature image.
— the background picture on her phone is a picture of  her and joohyuk x.
— she was one of the first members chosen for strawberry kiss.
— when she wants something from the members, she will use her rare aegyo and talk in pikachu voice annoyingly until she gets what she wants.
— she has a bad obsession with buying sunglasses and purses. her credit card hurts.
— her favorite girlgroup is snsd, she wants her team to be as successful as them.
— when she is nervous, she tends to grind her teeth together.
— she loves watching scary movies and bad american reality tv shows like jersey shore.
— her favorite color is orange.



— you / the beauty

faceclaim: hello venus' yooyoung x
backup faceclaim: clc's yeeun x
height & weight: 169cm & 50kg
bloodtype: A

appearance: hyungyoung is considered to be someone that is pretty. she has a mature, long face with white, not-so-clear skin. there's only a few pimples on her forehead and under her chin, but that's it. whatever imperfections she has on her face is covered by three different bb creams anyways. her eyes have natural double eye-lids and a beautiful eye-smile when she smiles brightly. speaking of when she smiles, hyunyoung is known for her eye-smile and her one tiny dimple on her left cheek. now that she is debuting, hyunyoung's -lengthed jett-black is now cut to a the middle of her back is dyed a natural-looking chocolate brown with pink tips. she is actually one of the tallest members being at 169cm with korea's idea of a healthy weight of 50kg.
fashion style: hyunyoung often gets compared to krystal and jessica when it comes to style. she likes to keep it simple, but still stylish. her everyday style is probably the same as her airport fashion. her casual, everyday wear is something like a nice blouse or sweater that has oretty designs on them with solid colored skinny jeans or shorts. her favorite shoes are either her converse/vans or her ballet flats. when she really wants to dress up she wears flowy skirts or floral dresses. man, does she have many floral dresses. over sized sweaters are her favorite all year around until the summer. most of the time if the group is chilling at the dorms, she will be just be wearing a large sweater with just her under wear under it. she also expresses her love for oversized sweaters outside. during the summer, her love is high waisted shorts and she will wear those to death until it is below freezing. she also likes to use accessories to up the outfit, but she knows when too much is too much. she might have like two bracfelets on, a headband or beanie, and she always has on earrings because they make or break the outfit for her. oh, and hyunyoung has a weak spot for designer purses. man, does she get fancy with purses. 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

— you / the idol

position: main dancer, lead vocalist
stage name: hyunyoung
personal fanclub name:"youngsters"
personal fanclub color: #ff9933 orange
training duration: six years 
— (2008-2011) cube entertainment
— (2011-2014) acube entertainment

surpisingly, her trainee life was pretty fun. well, the first couple of years. because of her friendly and assertive personality, she was basically able to make friends with everybody. going into the trainee system of cube was intimidating at first for her, especially since she was only 13. but it was a lot more chill than she thought. and she was a better dancer than half the people there. but that did not stop her from working on. she tried her hardest to be the best of the best. her singing needed some work though. the 2-3 years she worked on her dancing more than her singing. then one day she suddenly was put into cube's very new subsidary company, acube where most of her friends were in january 2011. she trained there for most of her duration.

— them / by your side

biography: a beautiful smiling baby named lee hyunyoung was born and raised in seoul, south korea on september 21, 1995. her father was a police officer and her mother a middle school teacher, so they were pretty well off. not too rich, but living comfortably. they could afford to put hyunyoung in ballet and tap lessons at the young age of 4. and hyunyoung didn't mind. she actually loved it. she wanted to go everyday when unfortunately it was once a week. she craved more as she got older and was probably the best dancer in her class by the time hyunyoung was 9. 

when hyunyoung was almost 10 years old, she first saw a live performance of BoA on tv and was so in love. she loved how her body moved to the hard beat of the song and all of the wonders her body could do. she was so interested in hip hop dancing, that she begged her parents for lessons for her 10th birthday present. after days and days of begging, she withdrew from her what she then thought was boring ballet and tap classes, and started hip hop classes. and man did she love it. she took twice a week and sometimes offered to help teach the smaller kids on weekends. she basically dedicated her little life to that dance school. she was so good and dedicated to dancing that it definitely showed on stage during her recitals. all of her hardwork paid off as she was suddenly scouted for star entertainment right after her dance recital. she had no idea that her dance teacher was a friend of sm entertainment's casting director, and that she invited him to the recital. and little to hyunyoung's knowledge, he came for her. directly right after the performance, she was approached by the man with both of her parents in order to give her his card. her mother was all for it, encouraging her to call him back, while her father was against it, not beliving in unpractical careers.

but regardless, she took the chance and went in for a private audition and pleased the trainers and ceo so much that she passed her first audition at the age 13 and started training since 2008.

family : 

lee jung pyo | mother | 50 | police chief
ryu sunghwa | father | 48 | middle school teacher

friendship circle: 

nam joo hyuk | childhood best friends/lovers | 21| model/actor

seo in ha | best friend | 20 | pledis trainee

yook sungjae | friends | 20 |idol, btob

oh hayoung |friends | 18 | idol, apink

— him / loving you


love interest: nam joo hyuk
backup love interest: yook sungjae

relationship history:well, actually they met when they were very young. like their first introduction was when they were still in diapers. they were about three years old when joohyuk moved to seoul. they have been insepearable ever since. they were always known as the closest best friends. whenever they were together, everybody knew not to mess with them because they had each other's back. they went to elementary, middle, and high school together, so they know each other like the back of his hand. they have a cute relationship that anyone would mistake for a couple relationship. he adores her, but she acts like his little sister. they pick on each other just to get a reaction out of each other. he often calls her "short stack" just because he is a bit taller than her. they can trust each other with every secret and every piece of advice. when they got older like during high school, they would often go on dates, although if anyone called it that they will shut them down real fast. well, hyunyoung would. they even do obvious cute couple things like hold hands (especially when hyunyoung is mad). when she is sad, he knows to put his hand on her thigh to comfot her. he plays in her hair because it relaxes her. she squeezes his hand to calm him down when he is angry. he puts his head on her lap when he is stressed out. they know each other. and it's obvious they love each other. they split during their second year of high school when a model scout casted joohyuk and he started taking acting lessons to start his career. right now, they are both excited that they get to start their careers around the same time and experience it together.
relationship status: crushing/ kinda dating. everybody knows they like each other, they even act like they are dating, but they won't admit it because they don't want to ruin their long friendship.

— me / the author

comments/suggestions; hope this was good enough for you. oh, and i didn't really know what u meant by icon of position so i just chose seulgi because this is based off her position. enjoy!
scene requests; weekly idol, the girls have their own debut show like apink news, and the girls go on a camping trip before debut.
password; berry goodies +  #ff0066 pink




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