Enemies To Something More....? Continued? Clues for next chapter?

Hello, this is nusaiba_02. Regarding my story Enemies to Something More...? will be continued. The other chapters are done and it will be up soon. the reason I was late was that my exams were starting and I had less time for myself let alone internet. But now that my summer vacation is starting, I willl continue to post the other chapters. Therefore,look forward~

Since I was late, I have a little clue for you as i will revealing what is coming in the following chapter kekeke~

"An old friend means an old enemy"

"All I did was minunderstand you, I'm sorry."

"I will never let him close to you let alone even looking at you"

"This is just an infuation, nothing more nothing less. You love him, I know..."

If you want to read my story featuring Jessica(OC), Junkook and Kiseop, pls clink the link down:




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